Memoireaubert pdf UNIVERSITÉ CHARLES -DE-GAULLE ?? LILLE III UFR ANGELLIER FICTIONALISATION AND IDENTITY IN BRET EASTON ELLIS ? S GLAMORAMA Note de recherche présentée en vue de l ? obtention du diplôme de Ma? trise Frédéric AUBERT Directeur de recherche
UNIVERSITÉ CHARLES -DE-GAULLE ?? LILLE III UFR ANGELLIER FICTIONALISATION AND IDENTITY IN BRET EASTON ELLIS ? S GLAMORAMA Note de recherche présentée en vue de l ? obtention du diplôme de Ma? trise Frédéric AUBERT Directeur de recherche Mme I BOOF- WERMESSE Septembre C C UNIVERSITÉ CHARLES -DE-GAULLE ?? LILLE III UFR ANGELLIER FICTIONALISATION AND IDENTITY IN BRET EASTON ELLIS ? S GLAMORAMA Note de recherche présentée en vue de l ? obtention du diplôme de Ma? trise Frédéric AUBERT Directeur de recherche Mme I BOOF- WERMESSE Septembre C TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION PART I THE HERMENEUTIC QUEST Victor ? s picaresque adventures The web of characters Introduction of the two sets of characters Defamiliarization The conspiracy A three-layered conspiracy The actors of the conspiracy Retroactive meaning and unstability Movies and camera teams Places Symbolic places The narrative as a system in constant evolution The question of the narrator the search for meaning Language Beyond the ??here and the now ? G narratorial supplement The two movies Noise and truth Redundancy and noise Chapters and sections Language as source of noise The extradiegetic voice Entropy The role of the reader PART II FICTIONAL WORLDS INTERFERING The delimitation of the spheres and the crossing of borders The intertext Pop Culture Pop culture in the plot Musical intertext Magazines and advertising The ??universal third person ? The literary intertext Self-references and auto-parody Other literary references Recycling characters Autochthones C Immigrants Auto- immigrants Non-invested characters Single and multi-facetted characters Mixing literary genres A collection of styles Glamorama a mock tragedy The blurring of identities Names and gender Victor ? s ready-made language Mottos and lists patterns of distinction Confrontation of di ?erent levels of ?ction in a hypersphere of ?ctional worlds Glamorama as double ?ction Demultiplication of the self through the media ??real TV ? ??Dramatic reconstructions ? Multiple images cinematographic devices Lost in ?ction PART III THE SATIRE OF FASHION AS TERRORISM The satire of the fashion industry The ultimate conspicuous consumption Immaterial labor and immaterial characters Victor as an Ellis-ian antihero Interchangeability and identity The culture of images and the arti ?ciality of desires An ensemble of hyperrealities The arti ?ciality of desire The terrorism industry Fashion as terrorism Conspiracy and paranoia Fate and the writer as terrorist Paranoia as a ?ctionalising device Motive and the self- defusing of the plot The absurdity of moving through layers of ?ction The exclusion of the narrator from the diegesis and his redemption Celebrity and terrorism the metaleptic dimension of Glamorama Autobiographic irony Art as an exit CONCLUSION Selected Bibliography Index C INTRODUCTION C Everything possible to be believed is an image of truth William Blake The Marriage of Heaven and Hell ? I ? m just a ?? I ? m just a whole lot of di ?erent simple people ? F S Fitzgerald Tender Is the Night Published in Glamorama is Bret Easton Ellis ? s ?fth and latest work It took eight years to the author of the controversial American Psycho
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- Publié le Mar 17, 2022
- Catégorie Literature / Litté...
- Langue French
- Taille du fichier 446.3kB