Nabo j sto kl ? ? ? ? ? Introduction Grammatical Type n m f Occurrences Total Hebrew Bible ?? occurrences Gen Ex Num Dtn x x Jud Sam x Sam Ki x x x x x Ki x x x x Isa Jer x x x x x x x x x Ez x x Hos x x Amos x Mic Hab Zep

? ? ? ? ? Introduction Grammatical Type n m f Occurrences Total Hebrew Bible ?? occurrences Gen Ex Num Dtn x x Jud Sam x Sam Ki x x x x x Ki x x x x Isa Jer x x x x x x x x x Ez x x Hos x x Amos x Mic Hab Zep Hag Zech Mal Psa Lam Dan Ezra Neh x Chr Chr x Epigraphy ?? occurrences Lak Lak Vision of Gabriel Qumran ?? occurrences CD QS QPHab QHa Q f Q f Q Q f Q - Q Q f - i f - ii Q Q f - f - f f - i Q f f Q f f Q f i Q f Q f i Q f ii Q f Q F Q f f Q f Q a f i a- b fB Q f i Q f - Q f - i Q f Q f Q a f Q f - Riii Q Q Q Ben Sirah ?? occurrences For the publication of this text see YARDENI ELIZUR - The Damascus Document and the Community Rule are treated as one document here and therefore attestations in various documents are counted as if they are one Q on the other hand will be counted as an independent source The same is true for the various works called Apocryphon of Jeremiah as it is at this point unclear whether they form one coherent composition or are better understood to evidence various di ?erent literary works The occurrences in the actual manuscripts are Q f i f iii and Q f The actual occurrences are Q b Q f and Q CText doubtful A For Chr see comments in Versions below A While the lemma ? ? is entirely reconstructed in QPHab it is certain as that verse appears to be a citation of Hab A The lexeme ? is reconstructed in Q c f - on the basis of Isa A According to the editors Q reads ? ? ? ? ? ? ? A On the basis of parallels with Q the ?rst word in Q f ii is reconstructed as ? ? A The reconstruction of ? ? in Q f - seems reasonable A Because of the context the ?rst word of Q ? is usually understood as an alternative spelling for ? A Q uses the Aramaic spelling ? ? at the end of line in Q f A The editors restore ? instead of ? A In Q f Alexander and Vermes suggest restoring ? ? ? ? on the basis of the fact that a source citation is expected here and the cited text most likely comes from Ez - A Q f ii - cites Q and therefore ? ? is restored at the beginning of line A Related to these two texts Q fragment is heavily reconstructed by Steudel in her edition of the text leading to the

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