Pocket guide 3 Program Monday June Program Tuesday July a m a m a m a m Registration Opening ceremony Welcoming address Peter Limbourg Director General of Deutsche Welle Germany Keynote speech Thorbj? rn Jagland Secretary General of the Council of Europe

Program Monday June Program Tuesday July a m a m a m a m Registration Opening ceremony Welcoming address Peter Limbourg Director General of Deutsche Welle Germany Keynote speech Thorbj? rn Jagland Secretary General of the Council of Europe France Special guest Bassem Youssef Egyptian political satirist Keynote speech Dr Mathias D? pfner Chairman and CEO Axel Springer SE Germany Media summit The future of journalism and the role of international broadcasters p m p m p m p m p m p m Lunch break Workshops ?? Co ?ee break Workshops ?? Keynote speech Dr Gerd Müller German Federal Minister for Economic Cooperation and Development The Bobs Awards ceremony p m Reception at Deutsche Welle Workshops p m ?? p m Caught in the web ? ?? ? The media as both victim and perpetrator alike Deutsche Telekom AG Quality vs quantity ? ?? ? How is traditional media responding to the rise of social media Deutsche Welle Multidisciplinary research and reporting on information control ASL Journalists and NGOs Giving a voice to communities a ?ected by disaster CARE DeutschlandLuxemburg e V Turning disinterest into engage- ment through innovative media formats Deutsche Welle The power of the neighborhood How local media organize participation and how DW Akademie supports this DW Akademie Workshops p m ?? p m Room for all How social entrepreneurs in media are forging a new infrastructure for participation Ashoka See YOU in the future ? ?? ? New ways of digital storytelling Grimme-Institut A blueprint for building communities Applying com- munity-building practices to a news media company Wartburg College The secret of mobilizing million people Avaaz org Big media vs social media in the global nonviolent and humanist revolution Pressenza The rise of citizen journalism and its impact on traditional journalism in Russia IREX Europe CryptoParty Focus How to encrypt e-mails ? Plenary Chamber Room F G Annex Room A B Pumpenhaus Pumpenhaus Room C Room D a m a m a m a m p m p m p m p m p m Registration Plenary Session I Global and participatory ? ?? ? political opinion-making in the digital age Keynote speech Dr Frank-Walter Steinmeier German Federal Minister for Foreign A ?airs Workshops ?? Lunch break Workshops ?? and special event Transatlantic talk Co ?ee break Workshops ?? Boat trip and dinner Departure p m return p m end Midnight Workshops a m ?? p m How digital activism can help achieve real change ONE The role of social media in promoting and sustaining democratic governance Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom Promoter or preventer The role of journalists in e-participation Engagement Global ?? Service for Development Initiatives Whistleblowers activists journalists Is advocacy jour- nalism the journalism of the digital age DW Akademie Strengthening freedom of information and source protection worldwide Reporters without Borders Western surveillance technologies and ??ungoverned spaces ? ? ?? ? Challenges to protect media freedom Bonn International Center for Conversion The changing face of African media ? ?? ? Opportunities for

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