Qs cd guide Guide to using the QS demonstration CD CGuide to using the QS demonstration CD Contents Introduction Getting started Viewing demonstrations Measurement Bills of Quantities production QS Cad trial version EstimatorPro trial version Summary Intr

Guide to using the QS demonstration CD CGuide to using the QS demonstration CD Contents Introduction Getting started Viewing demonstrations Measurement Bills of Quantities production QS Cad trial version EstimatorPro trial version Summary Introduction The purpose of this demonstration CD is to enable you to appreciate what can be achieved using a computer to assist measurement bill preparation and estimating Because of limitations of cost we are not able to provide you with full working copies of the software on the CD You need the full working versions and training to enable you to use these products quickly and e ?ciently so an appreciation of the possibilities the problems and bene ?ts are all that is looked for here The CD has been kindly supplied by Masterbill Micro Systems Ltd but this is by no means a recommendation that you should purchase this software That decision must be made by you or your company after a full review of the available products costs and support If you wish to ?nd out more about their products please contact Masterbill direct This guide is intended to direct you through the demonstrations and packages that are appropriate for this module The CD contains further examples of Masterbill products which you may wish to view The cost planning software for example may be of interest when you are studying this subject during another module Getting started To view the CD you need access to a computer with a CD ROM drive Minimum hard disc space is required for a Flash viewer to be installed if you do not already have it so that you can view the presentations If you wish to download trial versions of some of the software then more capacity will be necessary It is recommended that you do not try to work through this CD until you have studied all the papers in the module You need to be able to understand the principles of measurement billing and pricing in order to understand what the software is trying to achieve Viewing the demonstrations will take about two hours and a similar amount of time will be appropriate to practise each of the separate software packages Insert the CD into the appropriate drive on your computer It should automatically load If you are not successful the ?rst time remove it and try again If you are still having problems then go to Start and Run and type in the address of the drive you are using eg ? d ? and then press the return key A list of the ?les on the CD will appear Click on readme txt for further instructions After reading the software agreement licence you should click on OK It is recommended that you view the demonstrations before trying the trial versions of the software C Viewing demonstrations Click video tours on the menu icon and a screen will appear giving you a list of the video tours available To view the demonstrations you may need

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