Roc facilitator x27 s guide

Good Food Good Jobs Community Workshop Facilitator ? s Guide A Popular Education-Based Resource for Community Organizers By The Restaurant Opportunities Center of Michigan ROC-Michigan The Good Food Good Jobs Coalition Doing Development Di ?erently in Detroit D- Workshop Development Assistance Provided by Colectivo Flatlander the Praxis Project Funding Provided by Communities Creating Healthy Environments CCHE CGood Food Good Jobs Facilitation Guide Table of Contents Framing Tools What Is Popular Education Tips for E ?ective Facilitation Good Food Good Jobs Workshop Workshop Backgrounder Workshop Agenda Welcome Introduction Exercise Icebreaker Goals for the Good Food Good Jobs Workshop Ground Rules Teaching the Report Findings Indetifying Problems Barriers to Good Corner Stores Stepping Forward Stepping Back Presenting the Report Findings Debrie ?ng Findings Large Group Conversation Moving to Action Discussing of Next Steps Closing Exercise Evaluation Acknowledgments Special thanks to Pancho Arguelles of Colectivo Flatlander the Praxis Project and the National Network of Immigrant and Refugee Rights for his invaluable assistance in developing this toolkit We are also grateful for the assistance of Allison Burkett of the Detroit Food Policy Council Lynn Wiggins from Doing Development Di ?erently in Detroit and the following students Miriam Bernstein Michaela Goralski Cassie Peabody and Renée Schomp who assisted in drafting this toolkit Finally our deepest gratitude to the dozens of community volunteers and leaders who collected the community surveys as well as to the restaurant worker members of the ROC-Michigan Policy Committee who piloted and o ?ered feedback on these exercises This workshop is grounded in the principles of popular education We believe that education should be participatory develop critical thinking and engagement about relations of power and should support people in organizing to change their lives CWhat is Popular Education Everyone has knowledge and we can all educate each other This understanding results in a shift from the ? banking education ? model where knowledge is placed in students ? minds like the ?lling of an empty bank account to a mutual sharing of knowledge and experience Popular education encourages active participation to engage people in dialogues fun and creative activities and draw on the strength of our diverse cultures We learn in many ways ??by seeing hearing talking doing creating or a combination of these modes The ways in which we feel ??safe ? in a space depends on our own circumstances ??our class our race gender sexual orientation age immigration status disability and many other variables As facilitators we cannot remove these di ?erences but we can acknowledge their existence in order to open a space of more direct dialogue Is clear about its agenda All education reproduces a set of values ideologies and attitudes Popular education is not neutral but holds a commitment to liberation from oppression at its ethical core Is accessible to all participants and actively works to investigate and challenge ways that create unequal access to participation such as language barriers disability and group dynamics Connects our lived experiences to historical economic social and political structures of power

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