Speechgeek season eleven fall 2013 preview

SSppeeeecchhGGeeeekk Season Eleven Fall ISBN - - - - Price US http www speechgeek com SpeechGeek Season Eleven Fall SpeechGeek ISBN - - - - Corey Alderdice Editor and Publisher Email thegeek speechgeek com Arlington Park Dr Hot Springs AR - SpeechGeek is published up to four times per year August October December and April by Corey Alderdice Arlington Park Dr Hot Springs AR Special issues are also published from time to time http www speechgeek com It ? s that time of the year again With the end of summer comes the start of a new season To most competition in the autumn months means sweaty hands clutching brown pigskin and plenty of shouting But at SpeechGeek competition in the autumn months means sweaty hands clutching black binders and plenty of shouting usually in the D I rounds In some ways forensics and football aren ? t all that di ?erent Both require dedication hard work practice and shoulder pads This new issue features scripts that touch on teamwork Ever After You the standout stars INfamous the underdogs The Graveyard Shift the resilience of the mind and body BRAINS as well as disappointment La Llorona Ironically none of the scripts actually deal with football That was just our thematic element to welcome you back to another season Here ? s hoping everyone is ready to tackle the new school year Corey Alderdice Publisher CIn This Issue Season Eleven Fall Prose Interpretation Male The Graveyard Shift by Jane Nicolaas Duo Interpretation Male Female Ever After You by Katherine Raul Prose Interpretation BRAINS A Guidebook for the Newly and Nearly Undead by Stephanie Patterson Alderdice Poetry Interpretation Program Builder INfamous by Jonathon Harper Duo Interpretation Female Female La Llorona by Julia Neva The Graveyard Shiftby Jane Nicolaas ??Today ? I shrugged ??Today I quit my job ? I lean on the grocery belt awkwardly and I show her my most handsome smile A moment ago I was wandering through an orchard of commerce through the shelves and aisles after aisles and shelves I like a monkey swung around the sides of the store skillfully acquiring my nightlyYoo-hoo and Ritz Bitz and a fresh jug of Tide Then I found myself here Her cash register Her Sam The ??Hi My Name Is ? tag on her left breast doesn ? t leave room for a last name so I don ? t know it But I know her eyes black I know her hair black I know her skin ancestral bronze I know her voice with that Spanish tint on certain words I know her moods I know her silences She doesn ? t know my name either because the E M T vest that I have worn into this store every night but tonight only says my last name Parke She eyes me cautiously knowing my prankish ways ??Really Can E M T s just quit ? ??I don ? t see why not ? I shrugged ??So you just said

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