Spraying guide Selecting the Right Pump Because the pump is literally the ??heart of the liquid system ? on a sprayer careful consideration must be made in selecting the right pump Seldom is there only one pump that will do the job To make a wise choice y
Selecting the Right Pump Because the pump is literally the ??heart of the liquid system ? on a sprayer careful consideration must be made in selecting the right pump Seldom is there only one pump that will do the job To make a wise choice you will need to know about pump types how the pump is to be driven and the ow and pressure requirements for your speci ?c spraying system and application To ensure you can closely match the pump to your needs Hypro manufactures ?ve types of pumps roller centrifugal diaphragm turbine and piston pumps ??Positive displacement ? vs ??Non-positive displacement ? Hypro ? s long line of pumps can be divided into two general categories ??positive displacement ? and ??nonpositive displacement ? Roller diaphragm and piston pumps are positive displacement That is the ow from the pump is directly proportional to the pump speed This positive ow is why all positive displacement pump hookups must include a relief valve and bypass line between the pump outlet and the nozzle shut-o ? valve Centrifugal and turbine pumps are non-positive displacement In these pumps a rotating impeller creates a centrifugal force that feeds the liquid through the system instead of capturing and discharging a ?xed volume ??per stroke ? as rollers pistons or diaphragms would do Therefore if the outlet is closed the impeller simply continues to rotate harmlessly That is why special relief valves are not required in centrifugal pump systems Centrifugal Pumps non-positive displacement In centrifugal pumps spray solution enters through the center of a rotating impeller that ? s driven at speeds up to RPM Spray solution is forced to the outer edge of the housing This centrifugal force is what delivers the liquid to the nozzle Traditionally thought of as low to medium pressure pumps Hypro ? s centrifugal pumps can deliver from - psi and ow rates up to gpm Because centrifugals have minimum surfaces to wear and no valves they are very durable easy to maintain and well suited for pumping abrasive and corrosive materials Because centrifugal pumps operate at higher speeds the PTO speed must be increased through a speedup gear drive belt pulley drive gas engine drive or a high-speed hydraulic motor Hypro has models speci ?cally designed for each of these applications The broad versatile line includes models with rugged housings of cast iron polypropylene and stainless steel that stand up to the wide variety of agricultural chemicals CDC motor diaphragm pumps are used for a variety of agricultural horticultural and pest control spraying applications Roller Pumps positive displacement Hypro roller pumps are the number one all-around choice by farmers throughout the world The rollers from to depending on the model revolve inside the pump housing to force the spray solution through the outlet to the nozzle Roller pumps have a low initial cost and are extremely versatile They operate e ?ciently at PTO speeds of and rpm and have a wide pressure range of up to psi and
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- Publié le Jul 24, 2022
- Catégorie Literature / Litté...
- Langue French
- Taille du fichier 68.6kB