Topliss et al 2019 Evaluating Head-Up Displays across Windshield Locations Bethan Hannah Topliss University of Nottingham Nottingham UK bethan topliss not tingham ac uk Sanna M Pampel University of Nottingham Nottingham UK sanna pampel not tingham ac uk G
Evaluating Head-Up Displays across Windshield Locations Bethan Hannah Topliss University of Nottingham Nottingham UK bethan topliss not tingham ac uk Sanna M Pampel University of Nottingham Nottingham UK sanna pampel not tingham ac uk Gary Burnett University of Nottingham Nottingham UK gary burnett not tingham ac uk Joseph L Gabbard Virginia Tech Blacksburg Virginia USA jgabbard vt edu ABSTRACT Full windshield displays WSDs have the potential to present imagery across the windshield Current knowledge on display location has not investigated translucent displays at high eccentricities from the driver ? s forward view A simulator study n was conducted aiming to a investigate the e ?ects of Head-Up Display HUD location across the entire windshield on driving performance and b better understand how the visual demand for a complex HUD imagery di ?ers from that for a Head-Down Display HDD Lane-keeping was poorer when HUD imagery was furthest from the driver and for the HDD compared to the HUD Equally counts of ??unacceptable ? driving behaviour were greater for displays furthest from the driver ? s forward view Furthermore drivers preferred HUD imagery that was closer to them The results indicate that HUD evaluations should account for image location because of how driver gaze location can impact lateral driving performance Author Keywords head-up display evaluation distraction CSC Concepts Human-centered computing Displays and imagers INTRODUCTION Driving is a predominantly visual-manual task such that the appropriate allocation of visual attention is fundamental to e ?ective driving performance Thus it is vital to assess how in-vehicle visual displays may impact the primary driving task to ensure the display is not too visually distracting to the driver Head-Up Displays HUDs present the driver with visual information on a translucent screen over the driver ? s forward view of the road environment Despite known issues they o ?er the Permission to make digital or hard copies of all or part of this work for personal or classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are not made or distributed for pro ?t or commercial advantage and that copies bear this notice and the full citation on the ?rst page Copyrights for components of this work owned by others than ACM must be honored Abstracting with credit is permitted To copy otherwise or republish to post on servers or to redistribute to lists requires prior speci ?c permission and or a fee Request permissions from Permissions acm org AutomotiveUI ' September ?? Utrecht Netherlands ? Association for Computing Machinery ACM ISBN - - - - ? https doi org opportunity to improve driver interaction with visual information over Head- Down Displays HDDS such as those placed on the centre console Comparisons of HUDs and HDDs have largely demonstrated HUDs to be bene ?cial There is commonly a preference for HUDs over HDDs and faster response times to the tasks they present Importantly HUDs regularly result in drivers responding faster to hazardous or urgent events Similarly Liu and Wen found that commercial lorry drivers rated their mental
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- Publié le Dec 18, 2021
- Catégorie Literature / Litté...
- Langue French
- Taille du fichier 81.9kB