Usr guide 1 Second draft version th October Program VELEST USER S GUIDE - Short Introduction E Kissling Institute of Geophysics ETH Zuerich This short introduction corresponds to the VELEST Version by Edi KISSLING Urs KRADOLFER and Hansrudi MAURER Institu
Second draft version th October Program VELEST USER S GUIDE - Short Introduction E Kissling Institute of Geophysics ETH Zuerich This short introduction corresponds to the VELEST Version by Edi KISSLING Urs KRADOLFER and Hansrudi MAURER Institute of Geophysics and Swiss Seismological Service ETH-Hoenggerberg CH- Zurich Switzerland Phone Fax Telex eheb ch E-Mail addresses KISS TOMO IFG ETHZ CH Internet KRADOLFER SEISMO IFG ETHZ CH MAURER SEISMO IFG ETHZ CH Purpose and history of VELEST Program VELEST is a FORTRAN routine that has been designed to derive D velocity models for earthquake location procedures and as initial reference models for seismic tomography Kissling Kissling et al Originally written in by W L Ellsworth and S Roecker for seismic tomography studies under program name HYPO D see Ellsworth Roecker VELEST has been modi ?ed by R Nowack who also gave it its current name C Thurber and R Comer who implemented among other things the layered- Cmodel raytracer Thurber In E Kissling and W L Ellsworth after modi ?cations of the ow structure and implementation of several new options used it to calculate a 'Minimum -D model' i e a well-suited -D velocity model for earthquake location and for -D seismic tomography for Long Valley area California Kissling et al Since then VELEST has been applied to local earthquake and controled-source data from several areas in California Alaska Wyoming Utah and the Alps Kissling Kradolfer Kissling and Lahr Maurer U Kradolfer implemented the option to use VELEST as single-event-location routine and H Maurer reintroduced the option to use both P- and S -wave data separately or combined Thanks to the cleaning e ?orts of U Kradolfer and of H Maurer the code no longer su ?ers from quickand-risky programming by too many authors The current version of VELEST has been tested to correctly run under both UNIX HP and SUN and VMS DEC operating systems with optimized standard FORTRAN compilers If you need a reference please use Kissling et al see reference list or the appropriate of the ones mentioned above In order to avoid misunderstandings it is recommended that you also mention the version of the program Simultaneous Inversion and Coupled Hypocenter-Velocity Model Problem This USER S GUIDE to VELEST is intended to provide a brief introduction on how to run and use the program to simultaneously locate earthquakes and to calculate -D layered velocity models with station corrections As an introduction to the coupled hypocenter- velocity model problem the reader is referred to Crosson Ellsworth and Thurber The concept Cof a 'Minimum -D model' is described in detail by Kissling and Kissling et al who also provide several examples of applications of such -D velocity models for both improved earthquake locations and as initial reference models for -D seismic tomography Kissling et al - after describing the e ?ects of initial reference models on -D tomographic results- in an appendix provide a brief overview over the procedure to be followed to calculate a 'Minimum -D model' with VELEST The
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- Publié le Aoû 20, 2021
- Catégorie Literature / Litté...
- Langue French
- Taille du fichier 122.1kB