Community participation and e m p o w e rment putting theory into practice

Summary Housing Summary August Community participation and empowerment putting theory into practice A new Guide to E ?ective Participation o ?ers a comprehensive framework for thinking about involvement empowerment and partnership It also provides an A to Z of key issues and practical techniques for e ?ective participation ? Many attempts at community participation fail because organisations promoting involvement are unclear about the level of participation on o ?er Limited consultation with few real options which is presented as an opportunity for active participation is likely to produce disillusionment ? The guide develops the idea of a ? ladder ? of participation with rungs ranging from information and consultation to substantial support for community initiatives Higher rungs are not necessarily ? better ? ?? di ?erent levels are appropriate for di ?erent situations and interests ? E ?ective participation is most likely when the di ?erent interests involved in a project or programme are satis ?ed with the level at which they are involved ? Experienced practitioners involved in developing the guide emphasised the length of time necessary for successful participation processes Much of this time should be spent in preparation within organisations promoting initiatives before contact is made with the wider community ? Techniques from operational research management education and development and con ict resolution can be applied to community participation processes CSummary Community participation and empowerment key ideas about participation The Guide to E ?ective Participation identi ?es key ideas which can aid thinking about community involvement Level of participation The guide proposes a ?ve-rung ladder of participation which relates to the stance an organisation promoting participation may take the guide the process is described during four phases Initiation ?? Preparation ?? Participation ?? Continuation Many problems in participation processes develop because of inadequate preparation within the promoting organisation ?? with the result that when community interest is engaged the organisation cannot deliver on its promises Information merely telling people what is planned Consultation o ?ering some options listening to feedback but not allowing new ideas Deciding together encouraging additional options and ideas and providing opportunities for joint decision-making Acting together not only do di ?erent interests decide together on what is best they form a partnership to carry it out Supporting independent community interests local groups or organisations are o ?ered funds advice or other support to develop their own agendas within guidelines Supporting Acting together Deciding together Consultation Substantial participation Information Practitioners consulted during development of the guide felt strongly that information-giving and consultation are often wrongly presented as participation This can lead to disillusionment among community interests or pressure for more involvement with the potential for con ict and delay The guide suggests it is more productive for all concerned if organisations promoting involvement are clear in their initial stance ?? even if the degree of participation o ?ered is limited One stance or level is not necessarily better than any other ?? it is rather a matter of ? horses for courses ? Di

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  • Publié le Aoû 28, 2022
  • Catégorie Management
  • Langue French
  • Taille du fichier 386.7kB