Ref guide 1 LATEX e SVProc Document Class Version x Reference Guide for Proceedings c All rights reserved July Contents Introduction SVProc Class Features ?? Contribution-wise Initializing the SVProc Class SVProc Class Options Required and Recommended Pac

LATEX e SVProc Document Class Version x Reference Guide for Proceedings c All rights reserved July Contents Introduction SVProc Class Features ?? Contribution-wise Initializing the SVProc Class SVProc Class Options Required and Recommended Packages SVProc Commands and Environments in Text Mode SVProc Commands in Math Mode SVProc Theorem-Like Environments SVProc Class Features ?? Book-wise References C Introduction This reference guide gives a detailed description of the LATEX SVProc document class Version x and its special features designed to facilitate the preparation of scienti ?c books for Springer It always comes as part of the SVProc tool package and should not be used on its own The components of the SVProc tool package are ? The Springer Nature LATEX class SVProc cls MakeIndex styles svind ist svindd ist BibTeX styles spmpsci bst spphys bst spbasic bst as well as the templates with preset class options packages and coding examples Tip Copy all these ?les to your working directory run LATEX BibTeX and MakeIndex ??as is applicable ??and and produce your own example output ?le rename the template ?les as you see ?t and use them for your own input ? Author Instructions with style and coding instructions Tip Follow these instructions to set up your ?les to type in your text and to obtain a consistent formal style in accordance with Springer Nature ? s layout speci ?cations use these pages as checklists before you submit your manuscript data ? The Reference Guide describing SVProc features with regards to their functionality Tip Use it as a reference if you need to alter or enhance the default settings of the SVProc document class and or the templates For editors only the SVProc tool package is enhanced by ? the Editor Instructions for compiling multiple contributions to a mutual book The documentation in the Springer Nature SVProc tool package is not intended to be a general introduction to LATEX or TEX For this we refer you to ?? Should we refer in this tool package to standard tools or packages that are not installed on your system please consult the Comprehensive TEX Archive Network CTAN at ?? SVProc was derived from the LATEX article document class Should you encounter any problems or bugs in the SVProc document class please contact texhelp springer com CThe main di ?erences from the standard article class are the presence of ? multiple Springer Nature class options ? a number of newly built-in environments for individual text structures like theorems exercises lemmas proofs etc ? enhanced environments for the layout of ?gures and captions and ? new declarations commands and useful enhancements of standard envi- ronments to facilitate your math and text input and to ensure their output conforms with Springer Nature layout standards Nevertheless text formulae ?gures and tables are typed using the standard LATEX commands The standard sectioning commands are also used Always give a label where possible and use ref for cross-referencing Such cross- references may then be converted to hyperlinks in any electronic version

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  • Publié le Mai 16, 2022
  • Catégorie Administration
  • Langue French
  • Taille du fichier 45.5kB