Study guide 33 Fontys University of Applied Sciences Fontys University ICT College Study Guide cohort September intake Bachelor Programmes Information Communication Technology ICT Software ICT Business ICT Technology Bachelor ?? Master track Version April
Fontys University of Applied Sciences Fontys University ICT College Study Guide cohort September intake Bachelor Programmes Information Communication Technology ICT Software ICT Business ICT Technology Bachelor ?? Master track Version April Ella van der Sanden University of Applied Sciences CTable of Contents INTRODUCTION INFORMATION COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGY FULL-TIME COURSE OBJECTIVE AND TERMS OF COMPLETION STRUCTURE OF THE STUDY PROGRAMME GENERAL OVERVIEW ORGANISATION OF THE EDUCATIONAL PROGRAMME TEACHING METHODS TEACHING MODULES PROCEDURE DURING A MODULE PERIOD INTERIM EXAMINATION OF A MODULE STUDY PROGRESS PROPAEDEUTIC YEAR STUDY PROGRAMMES ICT SOFTWARE ICT BUSINESS ICT TECHNOLOGY STUDY PROGRAMME BACHELOR ?? MASTER TRACK CONCLUDING THE PROPAEDEUTIC PHASE STUDENT SUPERVISION AND COUNSELLING STUDY ADVICE PRELIMINARY STUDY ADVICE CORE PHASE STUDY PROGRAMME ICT SOFTWARE STUDY PROGRAMME ICT BUSINESS STUDY PROGRAMME ICT TECHNOLOGY SUPERVISION INTERNSHIPS STUDY PROGRESSION CONCLUDING THE BACHELOR PROGRAMME HONOURS DEGREE MODULE DESCRIPTIONS PROPAEDEUTIC YEAR MODULE DESCRIPTIONS CORE PHASE MODULE DESCRIPTIONS APPENDIX EXAM PROCEDURES Information Communication Technology at Fontys University ICT College- Eindhoven Study guide cohort CIntroduction The study programme is an international course leading to the international Bachelor degree in ICT It is a university course conducted in English intended for the professional ?eld of Information Communication Technology Our students are trained to become an all-round ICTexpert in software engineering With the knowledge and skills collected at Fontys University students can work as high level engineers and future managers in the ICT sector Sta ? members Function Head of Course Name Ella van der Sanden Secretariat Hetty Tegenbosch Study Career Counsellors Geert Dirks Marielle Fransen Peter Boots Maja Pesic Telephone Email P vanderSanden fontys nl H Tegenbosch fontys nl G Dirks fontys nl M Fransen fontys nl P Boots fontys nl M Pesic fontys nl In this Study Guide you can ?nd rules and guidelines about the ICT course An overview of the study programme and description of modules has also been included Note The complete Education and Examination Regulation OER can be viewed at the website of the English course in Information Technology http fhict fontys nl es ? ? Information Communication Technology at Fontys University ICT College- Eindhoven Study guide cohort C Information Communication Technology Full-Time course Objective and terms of completion The educational objective of Fontys University ICT College is to train you to become a bachelor of information and communication technology with an emphasis placed on software engineering Also the standard curriculum allows you to select a minor from the broad variety which Fontys o ?ers Fontys University ICT College uses ICT competences to set out a guideline for your competence development A competence is a cluster of related knowledge skills and attitudes which are in uencing an important part of someone ? s work which merge with the performance at this work which can be measured and tested due to accepted standards and which can be proved by training and development We discern ICT ?? competences and universal- competences ICT - competences are based on ICT processes Analyze Advise Design Realize Manage Universal competences are based on knowledge skills and attitudes
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- Publié le Apv 03, 2021
- Catégorie Management
- Langue French
- Taille du fichier 130.9kB