Using your tivo remote control starting from the top

Using Your TiVo Remote Control This guide describes the buttons available on the TiVo BOLT remote control Other TiVo remotes are similar but might have a di ?erent layout Starting from the top Begin by making sure you ? re holding the TiVo remote control the right way up When you hold the remote in your hand you ? ll notice it has a peanut shape and grooves on the back The remote weighs slightly more at the bottom than at the top so you should be able to tell by weight if you have it facing the right direction Also the button at the top of the remote is the distinctively-shaped TiVo button The bottom of the remote has a line of three buttons in a row Feel for the large button in the shape of the TiVo logo and you ? ll know you ? re at the top The TiVo button will take you to the TiVo TiVo Central ?? the starting point for the TiVo menu system Wherever you are press the TiVo button once to get to TiVo Central and twice to go directly to your My shows list The four major areas of the TiVo remote The Navigation Circle Directly below the TiVo button is the Navigation Circle At the center of this circle is the SELECT button Use the four sides of the Navigation Circle to move up down left and right within the TiVo menus Use the SELECT button to choose something onscreen The Pause Circle Below the Navigation Circle are a few more buttons then the central Pause Circle At the center of this circle is the PAUSE button used to pause whatever is playing Live TV streaming shows or recordings - all pause with the touch of this button When you hold the TiVo remote your thumb usually falls on the PAUSE button The circle around the PAUSE button has other ways of controlling playback Use these buttons to control whatever is playing ? At the top of the circle is the PLAY button ? The right of the circle is the FAST FORWARD button ? The bottom of the circle is the SLOW button ? The left of the circle is the REWIND button The letter buttons Below the Pause Circle are four round buttons arranged in a line that curves upward at the ends Beginning at the right these buttons are labeled A B C and D Some of what these buttons do depends on what ? s onscreen and prompts will tell you when for example you can press A for more options or B to change a sort order But when you press and hold the A B and C buttons no matter what ? s onscreen they activate the following features ? Press and hold the A button to turn the screen reader on or o ? ? Press and hold the B button to turn Closed Captioning on or o ? ? Press and

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  • Publié le Sep 11, 2022
  • Catégorie Management
  • Langue French
  • Taille du fichier 29.4kB