Facilitator guide 2 CHOICES A Program for Women About Choosing Healthy Behaviors FACILITATOR GUIDE National Center on Birth Defects and Developmental Disabilities Division of Birth Defects and Developmental Disabilities CHOICES A Program for Women About C
CHOICES A Program for Women About Choosing Healthy Behaviors FACILITATOR GUIDE National Center on Birth Defects and Developmental Disabilities Division of Birth Defects and Developmental Disabilities CHOICES A Program for Women About Choosing Healthy Behaviors to Avoid Alcohol-Exposed Pregnancies FACILITATOR GUIDE U S Department of Health and Human Services Centers for Disease Control and Prevention National Center for Birth Defects and Developmental Disorders Division of Birth Defects and Developmental Disabilities Atlanta GA August ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The Project CHOICES Intervention Development Team developed and wrote the CHOICES intervention that included the Client Workbook and Counselor Manual from which the Facilitator Guide for this curriculum was developed The Team included Mary M Velasquez PhD Karen Ingersoll PhD Mark B Sobell PhD ABPP R Louise Floyd DSN RN Patricia D Mullen DrPH Mary Nettleman MD MS Linda Carter Sobell PhD ABPP Deborah Gould PhD Sherry Ceperich PhD and Kirk Von Sternberg PhD The following participated in the development of the curriculum materials Mary M Velasquez PhD Karen Ingersoll PhD Mark B Sobell PhD ABPP R Louise Floyd DSN RN Linda Carter Sobell PhD ABPP and Sherry Ceperich PhD Centers for Disease Control and Prevention CDC provided oversight of the curriculum development project and participated in all aspects of the process CDC participants were R Louise Floyd DSN RN and Catherine A Hutsell MPH TKC Integration Services TKC worked with key members of the CHOICES Intervention Development Team and CDC in the development of a training curriculum based on the original protocols used in the successful Project CHOICES E ?cacy Study TKC sta ? included Caroline Bailey MA MPH Julie Emery MS MPH Jim Sacco MSW Sheryl Scott MPH and Jodi Verbeek Social Solutions International Inc SSI worked with TKC to provide support services in formatting and editing the printed curriculum components SSI sta ? included Susanna Nemes PhD Jenny Namur Karp MPH Ami Lynch PhD Sakiya Thomas and Elaine Bonneau The Academic Edge Inc provided video production services in ?lming selected components of the intervention using actual interventionists and actors hired by the Academic Edge These individuals included Sherry Ceperich PhD Nanette Stephens PhD interventionists TyMyra Henderson Angie Raygada Amy Morgan and Rae Damon actors Richard Goldsworthy Peter Honebein and Steve Rapa ?lmed and produced the videos The ?ndings and conclusions in this report are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent this o ?cial position of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention This document is in the public domain and may be reproduced without permission Photographic images are not public property and may not be used exclusive of this document Logos of the Federal Government Departments Bureaus and Independent Agencies are not in the public domain and cannot be used without speci ?c authorization of the agency involved CONTENTS Overall Learning Objectives Facilitator ? s Checklist Introduction to Course Slides - Pre-tests Learning Objectives Overview of training Module Overview of CHOICES and the E ?ects of Alcohol on Pregnancy Slides - Objectives of Module Why drinking during pregnancy is a
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- Publié le Sep 19, 2021
- Catégorie Management
- Langue French
- Taille du fichier 232.5kB