Fc1 syllabus guide guide pdf

November Guide to the NEBOSH National Certi ?cate in Fire Safety and Risk Management CQuali ?cation title National Certi ?cate in Fire Safety and Risk Management Guide version Speci ?cation date November Guide publication date April The National Examination Board in Occupational Safety and Health NEBOSH Dominus Way Meridian Business Park Leicester LE QW Registered Charity Number Telephone Fax Email info nebosh org uk Website www nebosh org uk ? NEBOSH All rights reserved No part of this publication may be reproduced stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means electronic electrostatic mechanical photocopied or otherwise without the express permission in writing from NEBOSH FC v CGuide to the NEBOSH National Certi ?cate in Fire Safety and Risk Management November speci ?cation Contents Introduction Bene ?ts for employers Professional membership Quali ?cation level and UK accreditation Key topics covered Course tuition and private study time requirements Entry requirements Minimum standard of English required for candidates Languages Legislation Legislative updates National Occupational Standards NOS and best practice Quali ?cation type Quali ?cation progression Programmes o ?ered by NEBOSH-accredited course providers Examination dates Speci ?cation date Syllabus development and review Further information for candidates Further information for accredited course providers Quali ?cation structure Unit assessment Unit exemptions Achieving the quali ?cation Unit pass standard Unit certi ?cates Quali ?cation grade Quali ?cation parchment Re-sitting examinations Policies Requests for access arrangements reasonable adjustments Requests for special consideration Enquiries about results and appeals Malpractice ? NEBOSH C Syllabus - NEBOSH National Certi ?cate in Fire Safety and Risk Management November speci ?cation Unit NGC Management of health and safety Element Foundations in health and safety Element Health and safety management systems ?? Plan Element Health and safety management systems - Do Element Health and safety management systems ?? Check Element Health and safety management systems ?? Act Unit FC Fire safety and risk management Element Managing ?re safety Element Principles of ?re and explosion Element Causes and prevention of ?res and explosions Element Fire protection in buildings Element Safety of people in the event of ?re Element Fire safety risk assessment Unit FC Fire safety practical application Purpose and aim Marking Assessment location Assessment requirements Submission of completed work Further information Sample examination papers Unit NGC Management of health and safety Unit FC Fire safety and risk management ? NEBOSH CThe Guide to the NEBOSH National Certi ?cate in Fire Safety and Risk Management November speci ?cation Introduction The NEBOSH National Certi ?cate in Fire Safety and Risk Management has been o ?ered since and is already established as a leading quali ?cation in ?re safety with over candidates having achieved the quali ?cation The National Fire Certi ?cate has been designed for managers supervisors employee representatives and others to provide an appropriate breadth of underpinning knowledge for non-specialists in ?re safety to enable them to discharge more e ?ectively their organisational duties or functions with respect to workplace ?re safety It also aims to equip holders to

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  • Publié le Mai 10, 2021
  • Catégorie Management
  • Langue French
  • Taille du fichier 220kB