Fsxtweak guide 1 Microsoft Flight Simulator X Tips Tweaks and Con ?g Guide October Recent Changes - - ?? A few cfg ?le notes added switched to dates for versioning - - ?? Power line easement aesthetic tweak documented - - ?? Retracted the FPS counter bug
Microsoft Flight Simulator X Tips Tweaks and Con ?g Guide October Recent Changes - - ?? A few cfg ?le notes added switched to dates for versioning - - ?? Power line easement aesthetic tweak documented - - ?? Retracted the FPS counter bug for now SHIFT-Z con ?g ?le entries mentioned - - ?? Added shader hardware hack minor cfg ?le additions some document layout and organization improvements - - ?? Added Rhumba oppy ? s custom default xml ?le minor layout items ?xed - - ?? Initial release CFSX Tips Tricks and Tweaks Guide Table of Contents Introduction What to Expect from Tweaking FSX In-Game Settings Graphics Tab Aircraft Tab Scenery Tab Weather Tab Tra ?c Tab FSX Community Tips and Tricks Autogen Performance ?? Disabling Editing the Default xml File Autogen Performance - Autogen Tree Forest Tweak Autogen Performance - Customizing Autogen Densities Autogen Performance - Autogen Texture Conversion Texture Performance - Autogen Texture Reduction Texture Performance - Cloud Texture Reduction Texture Performance - Pops and Stutters During Panning Blurries ?? How to Balance Blurries with Framerates Blurries - Texture Bandwidth Tweak Aesthetics ?? Narrower Power Line Easements Hardware Performance ?? AGP Aperture Size Hardware Performance ?? Disabling Shaders Inside the FSX CFG File - Important Disclaimer- Everyone attributed as an original idea author and the author of this document take no responsibility if you royally mess up your FSX or computer installation by using the tweaks in this document Changes to your FSX install or computer system should only be undertaken if you are aware of both the consequences and how to recover Please for the love of Pete backup any and all ?les before you change delete or rename File distributions and other items are subject to change as well as all relevant copyright and licensing regulations The author will make reasonable e ?orts to maintain links where needed and allowed however we cannot guarantee availability of cited ?les and items This document was compiled by Greg Germanowski from various posts and threads at a variety of ight simulator community websites If you ? ve discovered a tweak that is not in this guide but would like it to be please email be at spamgerm gmail com Conversely if I have included a tweak of yours that you would like removed please also email me and I will remove it from further editions CFSX Tips Tricks and Con ?g Guide October Introduction Welcome to my Tips and Tweaks guide to Microsoft Flight Simulator X This is a compilation of various ideas tips con ?guration changes and tweaks which may or may not improve your experience with FSX Like its predecessors FSX is very demanding of your hardware Unfortunately we virtual pilots are very demanding of our simulators This creates a bit of a problem because as of this writing no single desktop hardware platform can run FSX at its most lush settings at a reasonably acceptable degree of smoothness This document may help you tweak
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Gratuit pour un usage personnel Aucune attribution requise- Détails
- Publié le Fev 11, 2022
- Catégorie Management
- Langue French
- Taille du fichier 107.6kB