Heeadsss assessment guide usu
HEEADSSS A Psychosocial Interview Format for Adolescents Interview Questions Home Environment Education Employment Eating Exercise Activities Drugs Substances Sexuality Suicide Depression Safety Adapted from Contemporary Pediatrics Getting into Adolescent Heads July by John M Goldenring MD MPH Eric Cohen MD Background Adolescence is a challenging time when many emotional and physical changes take place Most adolescents make it through their teenage years and enter adulthood without major trauma However for some teenagers this may be a very dangerous time of experimentation Social Workers can play an important role in helping with this transition Many social workers ?nd it di ?cult to discuss sensitive issues with adolescents HEADSSS is a screening tool to assess risks that can be used for all adolescents It provides a systematic approach to the adolescent interview progressing from the least threatening topics to the most personal and sensitive subjects The acronym stands for Home Education Employment Eating Activities Drugs Sexuality Suicide Depression and Safety This interview format is exible and can be catered to all adolescents The note a social worker strikes at the outset of the assessment interview may a ?ect the entire outcome Parents family members or other adults should not be present during the HEADSS assessment unless the adolescent speci ?cally gives permission or asks for it Con ?dentiality It is not reasonable to expect an adolescent to discuss sensitive and personal information unless con ?dentiality can be assured All adolescents and families including caregivers most commonly a parent or both parents should be told about con ?dentiality at the beginning of the interview Each social worker must determine the nature of his her own con ?dentiality statement Belief Systems As a social work practitioner your own set of beliefs based on your knowledge experience and level of tolerance in dealing with particular situations will set the standard in providing developmentally-appropriate care to youth and their families Social work practitioners interfacing with youth may be confronted with di ?cult situations where this particular belief CHEEADSSS Adolescent Psychosocial Assessment Guide system may be ??tested ? if not challenged Social workers should be prepared to engage with youth in a non-judgmental manner Based on particular individual belief systems these are some ??assumptions ? that many of us may have about youth youth live in a home with two parents all youth go to school and get along with peers and teachers all youth are heterosexual It is of signi ?cant importance not to ??assume ? but rather to ask non-judgmental questions in a respectful caring fashion Starting the Interview A Introduction Set the stage by introducing yourself to the youth and parents Suggestion -- If the parents are present before the interview always introduce yourself to the adolescent ?rst In fact ask the adolescent to introduce you to the other people in the room This gives the adolescent a clear message that you are interested in him her B Understanding of Con ?dentiality Ask either the parents or the youth to explain their understanding of
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- Publié le Apv 16, 2022
- Catégorie Management
- Langue French
- Taille du fichier 58.4kB