Smart view guide 1 SmartView User ? s Guide Fall Edition ? Webtrends Inc CDisclaimer This document and the software subscription service and or technology described in this document are furnished under and are subject to the terms of a separate license ag
SmartView User ? s Guide Fall Edition ? Webtrends Inc CDisclaimer This document and the software subscription service and or technology described in this document are furnished under and are subject to the terms of a separate license agreement a subscription service agreement or a services agreement EXCEPT AS EXPRESSLY SET FORTH IN A LICENSE AGREEMENT SUBSCRIPTION SERVICE AGREEMENT OR A SERVICES AGREEMENT WEBTRENDS INC PROVIDES THIS DOCUMENT AS IS WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE NO RIGHTS OF ANY KIND ARE GRANTED TO YOU IN THE SOFTWARE SUBSCRIPTION SERVICE AND OR TECHNOLOGY DESCRIBED IN THIS DOCUMENT UNLESS SUCH RIGHT HAS BEEN GRANTED TO YOU UNDER A SEPARATE LICENSE AGREEMENT SUBSCRIPTION SERVICE AGREEMENT OR SERICES AGREEMENT You agree that you shall not loan sell or otherwise transfer this document Except as expressly set forth in a license agreement subscription service agreement or services agreement you agree that you shall not reproduce store in a retrieval system provide access to or transmit in any form or by any means electronic mechanical or otherwise all or any part of this document or the software subscription service and or technology described in this document Some companies names and data in this document are used for illustration purposes and do not represent real companies individuals or data This document may include technical inaccuracies or typographical errors Webtrends Inc may make improvements in or changes to the software subscription service and or technology described in this document at any time without notice ? - Webtrends Inc All rights reserved U S Government Restricted Rights The software is commercial software If the software and documentation are being acquired by or on behalf of the U S Government or by a U S Government prime contractor or subcontractor at any tier in accordance with C F R - for Department of Defense DOD acquisitions and C F R and for non-DOD acquisitions the government's rights in the software and documentation including its rights to use modify reproduce release perform display or disclose the software or documentation will be subject in all respects to the commercial license rights and restrictions provided in the license agreement Government technical data and software rights related to the service include only those rights customarily provided to the public as de ?ned in this Agreement This customary commercial license is provided in accordance with FAR Technical Data and FAR Software and for Department of Defense transactions DFAR - Technical Data Commercial Items and DFAR - Rights in Commercial Computer Software or Computer Software Documentation Trademarks Webtrends Webtrends logo Webtrends Visitor Intelligence Webtrends Visitor Intelligence logo Score Score logo Analytics Analytics logo Ad Director Ad Director logo Marketing Warehouse Marketing Warehouse logo Visitor Data Mart Visitor Data Mart logo Explore Explore logo Optimize Optimize logo Social Measurement Social Measurement logo Segments Segments logo and Open Exchange are trademarks or registered trademarks of Webtrends Inc or
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