Study guide 13 STUDY GUIDE MUSIC THEORY THE STAFF The Sta ? is the basis of written music Notes are written on the sta ? A Sta ? consists of lines with spaces between them as shown below Always count from the bottom to the top of the sta ? BARS and MEASUR

STUDY GUIDE MUSIC THEORY THE STAFF The Sta ? is the basis of written music Notes are written on the sta ? A Sta ? consists of lines with spaces between them as shown below Always count from the bottom to the top of the sta ? BARS and MEASURES The vertical lines on the sta ? are called Bar Lines Bar Lines are used to divide the sta ? into Measures Thick double bars are used to mark the end of a piece of music Measures are frequently referred to as ??Bars ? In the example below you can see three single bar lines LEGER or LEDGER LINES When you need to put pitches above or below the sta ? a short line is added above or below the sta ? In the example below there are two leger lines above the Sta ? and two below CCLEFS A Clef is a symbol used in musical notation that assigns the pitch of notes to lines and spaces on the Sta ? A clef can be thought of as assigning a certain pitch to a speci ?c line or space on the sta ? The ?gure below is a TREBLE CLEF Notice that the big curve of the Treble Clef curls around the second line from the bottom of the sta ? That second line is the pitch G That gives us the other name for the Treble Clef which is the G CLEF The ?gure below is a BASS CLEF Notice that the two dots to the right of the Clef are on either side of the fourth line from the bottom of the sta ? That fourth line is the pitch F That gives us the other name for the Bass Clef which is the F CLEF GRAND STAFF or ??SYSTEM ? When sta ?s with bass and treble clefs are connected by a bar line and a brace they become the Grand Sta ? This greatly increases the range of pitches that can be noted It is possible to combine more than two sta ?s into one System Sometimes a musician will see as many as ?fteen or more sta ?s in one System CPITCH Pitches are musical sounds that have letter names There are only seven letters used in naming pitches Those seven letters are A B C D E F G The letter named pitches are shown below on a short keyboard ?? you can see there are white and black keys The black keys are either in groups of or If you look at the group of any two black keys you will see that the pitch C is always the white key just to the left of the two black keys HOW NOTES SHOW PITCH The pitch a note indicates is shown by where the note is located on a sta ? Look at the whole notes on the lines of the sta ? below You will see a Treble Clef on the

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  • Publié le Aoû 10, 2021
  • Catégorie Administration
  • Langue French
  • Taille du fichier 47.6kB