Study guide 35 C University of South Africa All rights reserved Printed and published by the University of South Africa Muckleneuk Pretoria DVA B DVA-MOD STYLE CCONTENTS INTRODUCTION Acknowledgements THEME A What is development theory STUDY UNIT What is d

C University of South Africa All rights reserved Printed and published by the University of South Africa Muckleneuk Pretoria DVA B DVA-MOD STYLE CCONTENTS INTRODUCTION Acknowledgements THEME A What is development theory STUDY UNIT What is development theory What does theory'' mean Theory some technical de ?nitions Di ?erent kinds of theory Levels of theory Macrotheory and microtheory Changing levels in development theory Theory and practice Development theories and their historical context The evolving relationship between historical context and development theory Problems with theory Theory can be di ?cult Theory can be irrelevant THEME B Theories of the past STUDY UNIT Modernisation theory Introduction Before modernisation theories A brief history of modernisation theories Themes addressed in modernisation theories Political development Development and nationalism Modernisation Stage theory and modernisation DVA vii xi iii C Modernisation and the decay of society A critical evaluation of modernisation theory Conclusion linking modernisation theory to other theories of development STUDY UNIT Dependency theory Introduction Before dependency Marxist theories of exploitation and imperialism Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels Marx and Third World development Socialist development debates after Marx The analysis of imperialism Voices from the periphery Baran Frank and dependency World systems theory Dependency theory under ?re Conclusion linking dependency theory to other theories of development THEME C Current theories of development STUDY UNIT Globalisation and development What is globalisation Globalisation as transformation Manuel Castells Globalisation with diverse causes and dimensions Neoliberalism as a cause of the current phase of globalisation Globalisation and the nation-state Globalisation and Africa Globalisation and development STUDY UNIT Debates on the NICs and the developmental state Introduction The newly industrialising countries and development iv CDVA Why have the East Asian NICs had successful capitalist development What was the role of the state in these cases of capitalist development How did these countries ?t into the global capitalist economy The case of China China a development state Were there special internal conditions which allowed East Asian growth Problems with the NIC model STUDY UNIT Global managerialism and the project of globalisation Introduction Neoliberal globalisation as the aim Reduction of society to its economic dimension The leading role of businesses and corporations Managerialism and the elite network of institutions Good governance Knowledge O ?cial sustainable development STUDY UNIT Popular models of development against neoliberal capitalist globalisation Introduction Globalisation as corporate pillage A global space for alternative development the World Social Forum WSF Further theories of alternative development Sustainable development some alternative theories Populist approaches to sustainable development Political ecology Deep ecology Ecofeminism People-centred development Women and development An alternative model of global strategy BIBLIOGRAPHY v Cvi CINTRODUCTION DVA Welcome to this module on development theory We in the Department of Development Studies hope that you enjoy this module We also hope that it gives you a broader understanding of development If you manage to understand the basics of this module it should give you greater con ?dence in talking about development in practice It should also help you to understand the debates and

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  • Publié le Nov 11, 2022
  • Catégorie Administration
  • Langue French
  • Taille du fichier 666.1kB