Motivation et representation de soi pierre h ruel

Document generated on p m Revue des sciences de l'éducation Motivation et représentation de soi Pierre-H Ruel Volume Number URI https id erudit org iderudit ar DOI https doi org ar See table of contents Publisher s Revue des sciences de l'éducation ISSN - X print - digital Explore this journal Cite this article Ruel P -H Motivation et représentation de soi Revue des sciences de l'éducation ?? https doi org ar Article abstract The author presents the concepts of motivation self-concept self-representation and self-esteem in the perspective of contemporary work Basing his work on Nuttin's theory of human motivation he presents his concept of the motivational dynamic which evolves from the representation which the individual has of himself This self-representation emerges as a function of individual and social experiences which the individual has acquired and which have served to build his self-concept the origin of his self-esteem According to the author the better the self- representation with regards to an aim the greater will be the motivation to attain this aim Tous droits réservés ? Revue des sciences de l'éducation This document is protected by copyright law Use of the services of Érudit including reproduction is subject to its terms and conditions which can be viewed online https apropos erudit org en users policy-on-use This article is disseminated and preserved by Érudit Érudit is a non-pro ?t inter- university consortium of the Université de Montréal Université Laval and the Université du Québec à Montréal Its mission is to promote and disseminate research https www erudit org en CRevue des sciences de l'éducation vol XIII no Motivation et représentation de soi Pierre-H Ruel Résumé ?? A la lumière de travaux contemporains l'auteur présente les notions de motivation de concept de soi représentation de soi et d'estime de soi S'inspirant de la théorie de la motivation humaine de Nuttin il expose sa conception de la dynamique motivationnelle initialement suscitée par la représentation que l'individu a de lui-même Cette représentation de soi s'est construite au rythme des expériences individuelles et sociales que l'individu a vécues et qui lui ont permis d'élaborer ses concepts de soi d'o? émerge l'estime de soi Selon l'auteur meilleure est la représentation de soi en regard d'un objet à atteindre plus intense sera la motivation pour atteindre un but Abstract ?? The author presents the concepts of motivation self-concept self-represen tation and self-esteem in the perspective of contemporary work Basing his work on Nuttin's theory of human motivation he presents his concept of the motivational dynamic which evolves from the representation which the individual has of himself This selfrepresentation emerges as a function of individual and social experiences which the indi vidual has acquired and which have served to build his self-concept the origin of his self-esteem According to the author the better the self-representation with regards to an aim the greater will be the motivation to attain this aim Resumen ?? A partir de trabajos contempor? neos el autor présenta las nociones de motivaciôn de concepto de

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  • Publié le Oct 21, 2021
  • Catégorie Management
  • Langue French
  • Taille du fichier 112.9kB