Omamrevision guide www podcastrevision co uk CKnowledge of the book It is essential that you are familiar with the content and characters of the book to enable you to make judgements and write about them Use your revision notes to help you decide on the k

www podcastrevision co uk CKnowledge of the book It is essential that you are familiar with the content and characters of the book to enable you to make judgements and write about them Use your revision notes to help you decide on the key events for each chapter These events could be a character ? s ?rst appearance an important event such as Curley and Lennie ? s ?ght etc Chapter Chapter Chapter CChapter Chapter Chapter CThe purpose of this work book is to make you think about some of the language themes and characters in Of Mice Men To get good marks you need to write detailed answers that analyse and refer to the language of the novel this booklet will help you to do this For each quotation selected your ?rst task is to make notes around it to help you decide what Steinbeck is trying to communicate to the reader you ??Coldly ? suggests frustration George takes responsibility for every aspect of Lennie ? s behaviour and almost treats him as his own child by o ?ering both guidance and punishment if necessary George said coldly ?? You gonna give me that mouse or do I have to sock you ? The reference to the mouse refers to the title of the novel ??and the Burns poem ??the best laid schemes o ? mice and men gang aft agley often go wrong The fate of the mouse foreshadows what will happen to Lennie at the end of the novel and symbolises the pointlessness of their dreams George threatens violence in a bid to get Lennie to listen to him This shows lots of di ?erent interpretations of the lines one is no better than the others and there are probably lots more Don ? t be afraid to experiment and give your own views ??you ? ll get better marks CAs with the poetry you can use your ideas to write an extended PEE response In other words to write a lot about a little Steinbeck illustrates the almost father-son relationship between his two main characters in the ?rst chapter as the giant Lennie tries in vain to hide a dead mouse from his companion ??George said coldly ?? You gonna give me that mouse or do I have to sock you ? ? The fact that George ? s words are spoken ??coldly ? suggests frustration due to this being a familiar situation He takes responsibility for every aspect of Lennie ? s behaviour and almost treats him as his own child by o ?ering both guidance and violent punishment if necessary ??again suggesting the frustrations of their day to day existence The dead mouse links to the title of the novel ??and the Burns poem ??the best laid schemes o ? mice and men gang aft agley often go wrong The fate of the mouse both foreshadows what will happen to Lennie at the end of the novel and symbolises the pointlessness of their dreams

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  • Publié le Oct 09, 2022
  • Catégorie Management
  • Langue French
  • Taille du fichier 34.7kB