Project management guide Project Management Guide ? For Project Name CDocument Control Document Information ? Document Id Document Owner Issue Date Last Saved Date File Name Document History Information Document Management System Owner Name Date Date Name
Project Management Guide ? For Project Name CDocument Control Document Information ? Document Id Document Owner Issue Date Last Saved Date File Name Document History Information Document Management System Owner Name Date Date Name Version Issue Date Date Changes Section Page s and Text Revised Document Approvals Role Project Sponsor Name ? Project Review Group Project Manager ? Quality Manager if applicable Procurement Manager if applicable Communications Manager if applicable Project O ?ce Manager if applicable Signature Date ? Method Ltd All rights reserved i CTable of Contents INTRODUCTION WELCOME INTENDED READERS WHAT IS A PROJECT WHAT IS A PROJECT MANAGEMENT OVERVIEW PROJECT METHODOLOGY APPROPRIATE PROJECTS PROJECT BENEFITS METHODOLOGY INITIATION Develop Business Case Perform Feasibility Study Establish Terms of Reference Appoint Project Team Set up Project O ?ce Perform Stage- Gate PLANNING Develop Project Plan Develop Resource Plan Develop Financial Plan Develop Quality Plan Develop Risk Plan Develop Acceptance Plan Develop Communications Plan Develop Procurement Plan Contract Suppliers Perform Stage- Gate EXECUTION Build Deliverables Monitor and Control Perform Stage- Gate CLOSURE Perform Project Closure Review Project Completion APPENDIX TEMPLATES GLOSSARY OF TERMS Summary Acronyms De ?nitions ? Method Ltd All rights reserved ii C Introduction Welcome Welcome to the Method Project Management Guide This Guide provides a practical approach to what many consider a complex process the management of projects This Guide is designed to simplify the management processes required to manage a project successfully from end to end It de ?nes Project Management in simple terms and provides you with all of the documentation tools required to make your individual project a success The key bene ?t of Method over other methodologies is that each Project Management activity is accompanied by a complete set of project templates Our project templates are written speci ?cally for project management and currently provide the most thorough set of project template documentation available on the web ? Intended Readers The Method Project Management Guide is primarily intended as a tool for Project Managers Project Sponsors Business Leaders and Team Leaders In fact any person who is involved with or has the responsibility for delivering a project against time cost and quality criteria will ?nd this methodology helpful ? What is a Project A project is ??a unique endeavor to produce a set of deliverables within clearly speci ?ed time cost and quality constraints ? Projects are di ?erent from standard business operational activities as they Are unique in nature They do not involve repetitive processes Every project undertaken is di ?erent from the last whereas operational activities often involve undertaking repetitive identical processes Have a de ?ned timescale Projects have a clearly speci ?ed start and end date within which the deliverables must be produced to meet a speci ?ed customer requirement Have an approved budget Projects are allocated a level of ?nancial expenditure within which the deliverables must be produced to meet a speci ?ed customer requirement Have limited resources At the start of a project an agreed amount of labor equipment
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Gratuit pour un usage personnel Aucune attribution requise- Détails
- Publié le Mar 03, 2021
- Catégorie Management
- Langue French
- Taille du fichier 87.7kB