Tech interview guide Guide to the Application Process MARCH DaysCoding guide to ace the Tech Interview This document provides a complete guide to understanding the application process in tech ?elds ?? speci ?cally for Computer Science jobs internships and
Guide to the Application Process MARCH DaysCoding guide to ace the Tech Interview This document provides a complete guide to understanding the application process in tech ?elds ?? speci ?cally for Computer Science jobs internships and all associated materials It contains a collection of information compiled by people who have successfully completed interviews at FAANG companies as well as a useful information tips graphics etc to help you put your best self out there As with all DaysCoding resources this guide is provided to you for free with the mission of making the world ? s resources more accessible to all Enjoy CTable of Contents The document is divided as follows We recommend reading the entire document but feel free to jump around through the sections that you feel that you need to work on Table of Contents Understanding the Process Job Materials and the ATS ATS Resume Cover Letter Resume Review Build your Pro ?le LinkedIn Personal Website Projects Applying for Internships Jobs Company websites Career Fairs Referrals Cold Email Online Platforms Coding Interviews Coding Test Live Coding Challenge Take Home Projects Behavioral Interview One way Interview Follow Up Getting an O ?er Evaluating an O ?er Negotiating Conclusion Useful Links CUnderstanding the Process Understanding the application process pipeline is a huge part of having successful interviews - after all it is impossible to do well in an interview if you do not even make it to that step When a company has a speci ?c hiring need they will make a public post describing the position and what they are looking for and then they will post this on their company website careers section and or on hiring websites such as indeed LinkedIn Monster Glassdoor etc The company ? s HR department will work with whatever department has the hiring need to go through a process to ?nd the right candidate to hire As you search these websites you and other potential job seekers will ?lter through hundreds of these posts to ?nd the ones you like based on location pay quali ?cations duties etc Not everyone who views a post applies to the position but this doesn ? t necessarily mean that one should apply to every listing that they see Submitting hundreds of applications is very time consuming and can be very demoralizing ?? especially since it is likely that less e ?ort will be put into each individual application and it is less likely to be hired Important Concept It is better to put more e ?ort into individual applications and hand tailor each application to the speci ?c job posting rather than using the same application for hundreds of postings Understandably people without a lot of relevant work experience like high schoolers and those in the ?rst few years of college may not have all that much to modify about their resume but there are still things that can be done to maximize your chances of getting the job After receiving lots of applications
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- Publié le Aoû 10, 2021
- Catégorie Administration
- Langue French
- Taille du fichier 108.9kB