Tire inspection guide OFF THE ROAD OTR TIRE OUT-OF-SERVICE CRITERIA Dean Nichols nichols dean dol gov - - Jim Angel angel james dol gov - - CDISCLAIMER ? The information and recommendations contained in this presentation are to be considered for illustrat

OFF THE ROAD OTR TIRE OUT-OF-SERVICE CRITERIA Dean Nichols nichols dean dol gov - - Jim Angel angel james dol gov - - CDISCLAIMER ? The information and recommendations contained in this presentation are to be considered for illustrative and general information purposes in recognizing and evaluating common o ? road tire out of service criteria only and should not be relied upon as being a comprehensive treatment on the subject This presentation does not attempt to assess all of the facts and circumstances in evaluating o ? road tire out of service criteria and inspectors must consider and evaluate all factors when making a determination whether a tire defect rises to the level of a hazard that would result in a ?nding that a violation exists at a mine ? The inspector should not cite to the manufacturer ? s specs as reason for the citation ? The citation should rely on facts as seen by the inspector The o ? road tire out of service criteria in the presentation cannot be referred to in any citation and any enforcement actions cannot be initiated by inspectors regarding tire safety based solely on this presentation ? This material should be used for training purposes only It is not a compliance guide but rather a collection of good practices from MSHA NIOSH and private sector sources CRunning Tires to Destruction is Not Recommended ? Its not a safe practice ?? Potential for loss of control of the vehicle ?? Potential for debris to injure personnel if tire ruptures ? Tires with a damaged structural component are can create a safety hazard CIdentifying the Structural Components of a Tire ? The tire manufacturer or their authorized representative should be consulted since tires have di ?erent designs ? Inspection of defects such as determining the depth of cuts on a pressurized tire can create a safety hazard- safely de ate the tire before inspection CIdentifying the Structural Components of a Tire ? Typically tires have non- structural impact penetration belts between the tread and the tire ? s structural belts ?? Tires with exposed impact penetration belts should be scheduled for inspection and if necessary maintenance ?? Tires with exposed structural belts should be removed from service ?? The ply rating is a nominal strength rating and does not indicate the actual number of belts ? Continental Tire considers a tire with any belt exposed no longer ??viable ? CIdentifying the Structural Components of a Tire ? Typically tires have one structural belt in the sidewall area with a nonstructural turn up of the belt in the bead area ?? Tires with exposed turn up wires should be scheduled for inspection and if necessary maintenance ?? Tires with exposed sidewall structural belt wires should be removed from service CRADIAL TIRE Tread Shoulder Belts Ply Turn Up Chafer Bead Bundle Air Chamber Sidewall From SAE J Draft CIdentify the Structural Components of a Tire ? Damaged rims can damage tires ?? Rims with minor

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  • Publié le Mar 28, 2021
  • Catégorie Administration
  • Langue French
  • Taille du fichier 41kB