Tokyo guide 1 Central Tokyo Chiyoda Chuo Tsukiji Fish Market of most visited sights in Tokyo Turret trucks transporting goods around the market Notice From December to January the busiest time of the year at Tsukiji Fish Market tourists will not be allowe

Central Tokyo Chiyoda Chuo Tsukiji Fish Market of most visited sights in Tokyo Turret trucks transporting goods around the market Notice From December to January the busiest time of the year at Tsukiji Fish Market tourists will not be allowed to watch the morning tuna auctions to ensure a smooth and accident free course of business Thank you for your understanding and cooperation Important Notice New rules for visiting Tsukiji Market are in e ?ect as of May y The number of visitors to the tuna auction is restricted to per day y Visitors are prohibited from entering the market's wholesale area before am Please read the following page for more details Tsukiji Central Wholesale Market is a large market for ?sh fruits and vegetables in central Tokyo It is the most famous of over ten wholesale markets that handle the distribution of ?sh meat produce and owers in metropolitan Tokyo Tsukiji Market is best known as one of the world's largest ?sh markets handling over tons of marine products per day The sight of the many kinds of fresh ?sh and other seafood and the busy atmosphere of scooters trucks sellers and buyers hurrying around make Tsukiji Market a major tourist attractions In fact the numbers of visitors have increased so much over recent years that they have become a problem to the course of business as the aging market's infrastructure was not anticipated to serve as a tourist spot CTsukiji Market consists of an inner market where most of the wholesale business and the famous tuna auctions are taking place and an outer market whose retail shops and restaurants carter to the public A few restaurants are also found in the inner market In order to avoid interference with business di ?erent rules should be followed when visiting the di ?erent areas of the market A basic map of Tsukiji Market CVisiting the tuna auction The number of visitors to the tuna auction is limited to per day the maximum number which the market's infrastructure can accommodate Tourists who wish to see the auction have to apply at the Osakana Fukyu Center Fish Information Center at the Kachidoki Gate starting from am on a ?rst-come ?rst-serve basis A ?rst group of visitors will be admitted to the auction between and while a second group of visitors will be admitted between and Expect that the maximum number of visitors is likely to be exceeded on busy days and that some later arriving visitors may not be able to see the auction Successful applicants will be able to view the auction from a designated visitor area It is not allowed to view the auction from anywhere else or to use ash photography or to interfere with the business action in any other way Tuna Auction Visiting the wholesale area The wholesale area consists of hundreds of small stands in a large crowded hall where buyers and sellers hurry along narrow lanes with their carts and trucks It is an exciting

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  • Publié le Jul 08, 2022
  • Catégorie Administration
  • Langue French
  • Taille du fichier 198.1kB