Tokyo tech muslim guide Tokyo Tech Muslim Guide Yahoo groups Facebook Yahoo Groups Facebook Address https groups yahoo com groups TitechMuslim https www facebook com groups South Building Ookayama Campus - - Ookayama Meguro-ku Tokyo - CTable of Contents I

Tokyo Tech Muslim Guide Yahoo groups Facebook Yahoo Groups Facebook Address https groups yahoo com groups TitechMuslim https www facebook com groups South Building Ookayama Campus - - Ookayama Meguro-ku Tokyo - CTable of Contents I Introduction II Halal Food in Japan List of Kanji for Haram and Doubted Ingredients Halal Food in Campus Cafetaria Halal Food Outside Campus III Salat Prayer Mushalla at Campus Mosque Around Tokyo Strategy for Shalat Outside Campus Mosque IV Other Muslim Friendly Housing TTMC Event CIntroduction Assalamu ? alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh Welcome to all new muslim students of tokodai ?? Whosoever relieves from a believer some grief pertaining to this world Allah will relieve from him some grief pertaining to the Hereafter Allah will aid a servant of His so long as the servant aids his brother Whosoever follows a path to seek knowledge therein Allah will make easy for him a path to Paradise ? Hadist Muslim In this book we want to share a little bit information about adaptive guide for muslim especially in japan Maybe most of us used to live in muslim- majority country so coming here to Japan which is a muslimminority country we might ?nd some di ?culties Here we would like to share two most common ??problem ? we ?nd here as a muslim and how to deal get used with it Hopefully this book will help you to adapt in Japan ?? Tokyo Tech Muslim Community TTMC TOKYO TECH MUSLIM GUIDE ?? DECEMBER CHalal Food in Japan In muslim-majority countries we can ?nd halal food so easily in restaurant street food and many other places by default But here is di ?erent Pork khamr and many other forbidden food for muslim are generally consumed here So we need to be extra selective and careful to ?nd food that we can consume Below is the list of haram and doubted ingredients list based on the analysis of our muslim brothers and sisters who had lived in japan for years For the main references you can see in here Al Maeda Al Baqara - Al Anaam Al Maeda Hadith Muslim Book of Drinks - List of Kanji for Haram and Doubted Ingredients Haram Ingredients No Japanese Reading Meaning ? ? ? ?? Butaniku pooku pork ?? ? ?? ?? ? Gyuuniku biifu beef ? ?? ? ?? Toriniku chikin chicken no ? ? no ekisu no extract ? tonshi Pork fat ?? ?? ?? raado lard ?? gyuushi Beef fat TOKYO TECH MUSLIM GUIDE ?? DECEMBER C ?? ?? ? Doubutsuseiyushi Animal fat ?? ? Kakou-yushi Processed fat ? ? Kongou-yushi Mixed fat ? ?? ?? konsome Consommé soup ? ?? ?? ? ?? Konsome paudaa Consommé ?? powder ? ?? ?? ?? zerachin gelatine ? ? ?? ? arukooru alcohol ? sake Sake alcohol ? ? youshu Western liquor ? ? shusei Ethyl alcohol ? ? ? ? mirin Mirin alcohol ?? ?? ? Ramu-shu rum ? ?? wain wine ? ?? ?? ?? ? burandi brandy

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  • Publié le Fev 13, 2021
  • Catégorie Administration
  • Langue French
  • Taille du fichier 91.6kB