Tour guide Tour Guide M Said Hairul Insan X C Palembangs Traditional House Palembang Bari House Palembang Bari's house Limas Traditional House is a wooden house Palembang Bari language means old or ancient In terms of architecture wooden houses is called

Tour Guide M Said Hairul Insan X C Palembangs Traditional House Palembang Bari House Palembang Bari's house Limas Traditional House is a wooden house Palembang Bari language means old or ancient In terms of architecture wooden houses is called pyramid home because of its roof in the form Limasan South Sumatra is one area that has a typical pyramid as a residential home South Sumatra Natural freshwater closely with both the marsh and river making its people to build houses on stilts On the banks of the Musi River there is still a pyramid house overlooking the river entrance CStage house is functionally quali ?ed to overcome conditions such as swamps and rivers in Palembang which was dubbed the Venice of the East because hundreds of tributaries that surround the area of land Batanghari nine is the name for rivers that empty into the Musi River Ogan River River Komering Lematang River Enim River Black River River Rambang Lubay Namun River over time rivers and swamps of aquatic environment even more narrow The houses which had been free-standing pyramid in the middle of swamps or on river eventually surrounded the township There are two types of pyramid house in South Sumatra which is home pyramid built with oors of di ?erent heights and are parallel Houses pyramid which is parallel to the oor is often called a pit house Usually elongated pyramid building to the rear There is a building that size with width of meters to meters long Houses large pyramid symbolizes social status of home owners Usually the owner is a descendant of the family Sultanate of Palembang Dutch East Indies government o ?cials or wealthy merchants Building a house pyramid wearing unglen or merbau wood waterproof The walls were made of wooden planks arranged upright For up to the house pyramid made of two wooden terraces of the left and right Part terrace house is usually surrounded by a wooden fence called tenggalung barred Philosophical meaning behind the wooden fence is to keep that girls are not out of the house CEntering the inside of the house the entrance to the house is part of a unique pyramid The wooden door was opened wide when will stick to the roof terrace To sustain it use the key and spring The interior of the guest room called kekijing a spacious courtyard This room is the center of activity come together if there are events The living room as well as a showroom to show the prosperity of home owners Part wall of the room decorated with oral motif carvings painted with golden color Not infrequently the owner of the tin and gold at the carvings and antique chandeliers as an accessory For homeowners who are still watching caste di ?erences in indigenous descent Kilkenny they will make the oor terraced house to adjust these castes One of the pyramid house that respects indigenous di ?erence pyramid is a family owned home late Bayumi Wahab Floor of the house

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  • Publié le Nov 28, 2021
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