Trademark guide YOUR ONLINE COMPANION FOR COMPANY TAX AND LEGAL MATTERS WWW LEGALRAASTA COM TRADEMARK Registration GUIDE CMEANING OF TRADEMARK What is a Trademark A trademark is any unique expression related to a product or service that distinguishes it f

YOUR ONLINE COMPANION FOR COMPANY TAX AND LEGAL MATTERS WWW LEGALRAASTA COM TRADEMARK Registration GUIDE CMEANING OF TRADEMARK What is a Trademark A trademark is any unique expression related to a product or service that distinguishes it from others This expression could be a word slogan photograph logo graphic color combination sound or even smell Owners of trademarks have exclusive rights to use trademark under the categories they are registered in there are a total of categories called classes A registered trademark is an intangible asset or intellectual property for a business and is used to protect the company ? s investment in the brand or symbol In India can be acquired within three days but it takes up to two years for it to be registered so that you can use the symbol Only Trademarks that are registered under the Trademark Act provides the trademark owner right to sue for damages when infringements of trademarks occur CBENEFITS OF TRADEMARK Why register your trademark It is advisable to register your trademark for business name logo tagline etc under the trademarks act Merely Registration of company name under Companies Act does not provide protection against those who might initiate using identical or similar marks Legal Protection Unique Identity Trust or Goodwill ? Only owners of registered trademarks are entitled the right to sue for damages when infringement arises ? Branding your goods and services is only possible if your trademark is registered ? Registered trademarks can be useful to a business in creating a sense of trust goodwill and quality in the minds of your customer Apply trademark online CPROCESS OF TRADEMARK REGISTRATION Steps of Trademark Registration Procedure Trademark Search ? On the basis of information collected from you trademark search is conducted to ascertain whether any identical or similar trademarks already exist in the records of the Trade Mark Registry ? An expert from LegalRaasta will contact you and assist you in selection of your brand name logo and the selection of suitable class based on your speci ?cations Filing of the application ? An application drafted by LegalRaasta will be sent to you for signature On receipt of signed copy application process will be undertaken Once an application is ?led trademark number is allotted Government process ? After that it goes through a series of government checks Your trademark is registered only if you clear all the government checks It takes - months for a trademark to be registered in a straight forward case CDOCUMENT REQUIRED Documents in respects of Designated Individual Company ? Pan Card Copy ? ID Proof ?? Aadhaar Card Voter's ID Passport Driving License ? Residential Proof - Latest Bank Statement Telephone or Mobile Bill Electricity or Gas Bill ? Incorporation document in case of company Documents that will be sent by us for your attestations ? TM Application CPACKAGES Inclusions Allotment of TM Number Logo Design Allotment of TM Number in minutes Package price Rs Basic Standard Premium Registration Trademark Online with LegalRaasta CABOUT

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  • Publié le Mar 09, 2022
  • Catégorie Administration
  • Langue French
  • Taille du fichier 33.1kB