Unit guide 4 Unit Guide EDF Arts design and health education in the primary years Semester Table of contents EDF Arts design and health education in the primary years - Semester S - - CTable of contents University information Indigenous acknowledgement St

Unit Guide EDF Arts design and health education in the primary years Semester Table of contents EDF Arts design and health education in the primary years - Semester S - - CTable of contents University information Indigenous acknowledgement Student Charter Fieldwork risk assessment statement Technological requirements Your feedback to us Extensions penalties resubmission and special consideration Reference requirements Learning resources Required resources Prescribed resources Other Information Academic Language Literacy and Numeracy Development - Faculty of Education advice and support English Connect Policies Student academic integrity policy Special Consideration eSolutions service desk ICT services and help Graduate attributes policy Indigenous Academic Enhancement Program IAEP Information for Singapore based students Monash University Library Student services Disability support services Unit information Mode of delivery Unit relationships Prerequisites Prohibitions Corequisites Enrolment rules Synopsis Learning outcomes Class Timetable EDF Arts design and health education in the primary years - Semester S - - CWorkload requirements Assessment requirements Prescribed text s Teaching team Chief Examiner Unit Coordinator s Lecturer s Teaching approaches Teaching approaches for this unit Field trips Technological requirements Further unit information Student evaluations of this unit Unit schedule Assessment summary table Turnitin Assignment submission Returning assignments Assessment feedback to you Assessment tasks Unit guide prepared by Last updated EDF Arts design and health education in the primary years - Semester S - - CUniversity information Indigenous acknowledgement We acknowledge and pay respects to the Traditional Owners and Elders - past present and emerging - of the lands and waters on which Monash University operates http www monash edu au about indigenous Student Charter The Monash Student Charter sets out the key expectations of all students as they foster and contribute to Monash's learning community https www monash edu students academic policies student-charter Fieldwork risk assessment statement Sta ? members in charge of ?eld activities and supervisors of students are responsible for ensuring that the risk assessment procedure has been completed before the commencement of the ?eld activity Students are responsible for following procedures and instructions given by sta ? whilst undertaking ?eldwork and for reporting any risks and incidents that they encounter as part of their ?eldwork to their ?eldwork supervisor immediately For more information on ?eldwork in the Faculty of Education see the following link http www monash edu au pubs handbooks postgrad edu- html Technological requirements It is assumed that students undertaking this unit will have the ability to word process search and retrieve information from the internet and download readings and other learning documents For further information please see the handbook http www monash edu au pubs handbooks undergrad edu- html Students may also be required to access a range of information and communications technology ICT equipment and applications as part of their participation in the unit Useful links IT e-Solutions Services http intranet monash edu au esolutions students student-it-brochure pdf Library Services h ttp www monash edu library services users students Your feedback to us EDF Arts design and health education in the primary years - Semester S -

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  • Publié le Jui 18, 2021
  • Catégorie Administration
  • Langue French
  • Taille du fichier 98.4kB