Usr guide 3 BTW User ? s Guide April Document Number - - BTWbtw docs BTWDocs Version Wireless Internet and Data Communication Scranton Road Suite San Diego CA Phone Fax Email Technical Support support widcomm com Information info widcomm com CBTW User ? s
BTW User ? s Guide April Document Number - - BTWbtw docs BTWDocs Version Wireless Internet and Data Communication Scranton Road Suite San Diego CA Phone Fax Email Technical Support support widcomm com Information info widcomm com CBTW User ? s Guide LICENSED SOFTWARE ? Copyright ?? WIDCOMMinc ?? WIDCOMM ? All rights reserved Warning This software and accompanying documentation are protected by copyright law and international treaties Unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this software or any portion of it may result in severe civil and criminal penalties and will be prosecuted to the maximum extent possible under the law Use of this software is governed by the terms of the end user license agreement that accompanies or is included with such software Unless otherwise noted in the end user license agreement or herein no part of the documentation accompanying this software whether provided in printed or electronic form may be reproduced in any form or stored in a database or retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means or used to make any derivative work such as translation transformation or adaptation without the express prior written consent of WIDCOMM Trademark s and Registered Trademark s WIDCOMM and the WIDCOMM logo are trademarks of WIDCOMMinc Bluetooth and the Bluetooth logos are trademarks owned by Bluetooth SIG Inc U S A and licensed to WIDCOMMinc Microsoft Windows Outlook are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation Other brand and product names may be registered trademarks or trademarks of their respective holders April WIDCOMMinc i CBTW User ? s Guide Table of Contents Introduction Bluetooth Tray Access My Bluetooth Places Icons Used for Bluetooth Devices and Services Basic Operations Start or Stop Bluetooth Create a Connection From the Bluetooth Icon in the System Tray Create a Connection Using the Bluetooth Setup Wizard Create a Connection From Entire Bluetooth Neighborhood Find Bluetooth Devices Periodic Search for Devices Find A Service Bluetooth Connection Status Send to Bluetooth Con ?gure Bluetooth Access the Bluetooth Con ?guration Panel Bluetooth Services versus Bluetooth Applications Bluetooth Exchange Folder General Con ?guration Settings Bluetooth Applications Overview General Con ?guration Human Interface Device Audio Gateway Bluetooth Serial Port Dial-up Networking Fax Headset File Transfer Network Access PIM Synchronization PIM Item Transfer Printer Bluetooth Services Noti ?cations Audio Gateway Bluetooth Serial Port Dial-up Networking Service Fax Service File Transfer Service Headset Service Usage Example with a Bluetooth Telephone April WIDCOMMinc ii CBTW User ? s Guide Network Access Setup for Windows SE Windows Me Setup for Windows and Windows XP Con ?gure for Group Ad Hoc Networking Bluetooth Image Transfer PIM Item Transfer PIM Synchronization Hardware Settings Advanced Settings Accessibility Settings Discovery Settings Security Authentication Authorization Bluetooth Device Identity Encryption Link Key Pairing Devices Passkey Secure Connection Security Request Dialog Box Troubleshooting Cannot connect to a paired device Cannot discover services on an un-paired remote device Dial-up Networking service does not start Determine the Bluetooth Device Address BDA of my hardware device Determine the version of the Host Controller Interface
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- Publié le Dec 04, 2021
- Catégorie Administration
- Langue French
- Taille du fichier 154.4kB