Hyrbis ba certification guide 1

Hyrbis BA Certi ?cation GuideKnow the di ?erence between a target product and a source product staged and online and what synchronization is Know what cockpit to use for each user role and what you can do as a certain role in a cockpit Admin Product manager Marketing Manager Localization Manager Project Manager etc Know the basis of the HMC for each user role and what you can do as a certain role in the HMC What can the admin do in the HMC What can the developer do in the HMC Who grants read write privileges Know the views of the cockpit and where they are located editor area navigation area etc You should know what types items attributes categories classifying categories super types subtypes and assets are and how they are used General BA knowledge Functional Non Function requirements constraint quality attributes Know what a BPM Business Process Model is as well as what UML is and when to apply each to certain situations Know what vouchers and promotions are and how each is used What is a promotional voucher Variant Hierarchy Base product - Style Variant - Size variant Know the basis of Solr One question on the reporting cockpit What determines the data type in the report cockpit General Tips If you are following the hybris Commerce Functional Analyst Online HY eENCol class on SAP Learning hub there were no questions on the SAP integration section Not to say there won ? t be in the future I ? d advise you to do the demos instead of just watching them It makes it easier when determining what you can and can ? t do within each area of the cockpits HMC and HAC Also the content management and commerce management sections of the learning hub class are HUGE This is where most of the questions came from in some shape or form DON ? T JUST WATCH THE VIDEOS Read the wiki and follow through the demos as well CHyrbis BA Certi ?cation Guide Treat this certi ?cation as a ?nal exam C

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  • Publié le Nov 20, 2022
  • Catégorie Marketing
  • Langue French
  • Taille du fichier 28.3kB