Vista guide TOP DRIVE-IN HIKE-IN VISTAS OF THE PENINSULA AND SOUTH BAY CSINCE POST HAS PROTECTED OVER ACRES OF OPEN SPACE ON THE PENINSULA AND IN THE SOUTH BAY These ridgelines forests meadows creeks and islands are now yours to explore In this guide you

TOP DRIVE-IN HIKE-IN VISTAS OF THE PENINSULA AND SOUTH BAY CSINCE POST HAS PROTECTED OVER ACRES OF OPEN SPACE ON THE PENINSULA AND IN THE SOUTH BAY These ridgelines forests meadows creeks and islands are now yours to explore In this guide you ? ll discover of the most scenic vistas in our working area and how to hike or drive to each location Click the map ? s icons to discover these vistas HIKE-IN VISTA DRIVE-IN VISTA Coyote Valley Mindego Hill Eagle Rock La Honda Creek Mount Umunhum Sempervirens Point Rancho Corral de Tierra Tunitas Creek Beach Wilbur ? s Watch Windy Hill HAPPY TRAILS AND ENJOY THE VIEWS MONTARA MOSS BEACH SAN MATEO EL GRANADA HALF MOON BAY REDWOOD CITY MENLO PARK WOODSIDE PALO ALTO PORTOLA VALLEY SAN GREGORIO LA HONDA PESCADERO FREMONT MILPITAS MOUNTAIN VIEW SANTA CLARA CUPERTINO SAN JOSE CAMPBELL SARATOGA LOS GATOS BOULDER CREEK BEN LOMOND DAVENPORT FELTON SCOTTS VALLEY SANTA CRUZ APTOS CHIKE-IN VISTA SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO PACIFICA COYOTE VALLEY MONTARA SAN MATEO MOSS BEACH Coyote Valley Open Space Preserve ? EL GRANADA HALF MOON BAY REDWOOD CITY MENLO PARK WOODSIDE PALO ALTO PORTOLA VALLEY SAN GREGORIO LA HONDA PESCADERO UNION CITY FREMONT VIEW AREA MILEAGE mile loop Just miles from downtown San Jose this MILPITAS preserve boasts some of the best views in the MOUNTAIN VIEW South Bay From two scenic overlooks along the SANTA CLARA four-mile Arrowhead Loop Trail you ? ll see CUPERTINO MoSAuNnJtOHSEamilton Mount Umunhum and the entire Coyote Valley Pack a lunch and enjoy CAMaPnBELeLntire day in this -acre preserve SARATOGA LOS GATOS POST protects and cares for open space farms and parkland in and around Silicon Valley openspacetrust org ? BOULDER CREEK BEN LOMOND DAVENPORT FELTON SCOTTS VALLEY ? Get directions ? Open Space Authority MORGAN HILL Back to the top GILROY CHIKE-IN VISTA EAGLE ROCK Little Basin ? POST protects and cares for open space farms and parkland in and around Silicon Valley openspacetrust org ? PACIFICA UNIVOINEWCIATYREA MONTARA MOSS BEACH SAN MATEO FREMONT EL GRANADA HALF MOON BAY REDWOOD CITY MENLO PARK MILEAGE mWiOleOsDSoIDuEt and bPAALaLTcOOk MILPITAS ELEVATION GAINED feet PORTOLA MOUNTAIN There ? s a good rVeAaLLsEoYn why there ? s VIEW an old ?reSANTA CLARA lookout on the summit of Eagle Rock the SAN vGieRwEGsORfIrOom thiLsA spot are amazing OnCcUlPeEaRrTINO SAN J HONDA days enjoy views of Mount Hamilton in the CAMPBELL SoPuEStChADBEaRyO the Monterey Bay and the SSAaRnAtTaOGA Lucia Mountains of Big Sur LOS GATOS ? Teddy Miller BOULDER CREEK BEN LOMOND ? Get directions FELTON SCOTTS VALLEY DAVENPORT Back to the top SANTA CRUZ APTOS CHIKE-IN VISTA LA HONDA CREEK La Honda Creek Open Space Preserve ? POST protects and cares for open space farms and parkland in and around Silicon Valley openspacetrust org ? ? Paolo Vescia SAN FRANCISCO ALAMEDA VIEW AREA SAN R SAN LEANDRO SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO MILEAGE miles out and back PACIFICA ELEVATION GAINED feet HAYWARD UNION CIT This trail meaSnANdeMrAsTEtOhrough open ranch MOlNaTnAdRAs with terri ?c views

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  • Publié le Jul 22, 2021
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