Woledge g 1983 historical studies in documentation bibliography and documentation
HISTORICAL STUDIES IN DOCUMENTATION 'BIBLIOGRAPHY' AND 'DOCUMENTATION' WORDS AND IDEAS G WOLEDGE THE W O R D DOCUMENTATION by which this journal describes its scope is a partial synonym of bibliography and the history of both words through eighty years in one case and through four hundred in the other re ects the development of highly signi ?cant ideas This paper begins by discussing bibliography in the light of R Blum's exhaustively learned treatise and continues with an original exposition of documentation which cannot claim to reach Blum's standard of thoroughness but does it is hoped set out correctly the important things BIBLIOGRAPHY RUDOLF BLUM Bihliographia Eine wort- und begri ?sgeschichtliche Untersuchung Frankfurt am Main Buchh? ndler- Vereinigung xi pp columns Reprint from Archiv f Geschichte des Buchwesens Bd Lieferung - RUDOLF BLUM Bihliographia An enquiry into its de ?nition and designations Translated by Mathilde V Rovelstad Chicago American Library Association Folkstone Dawson pp ISBN and The German text was reviewed in this journal brie y though enthusiastically by Dr E Rosenbaum but as will be seen the translation cannot be considered without reference to the original It is an important book It deals with the Latin word bibliographia and its derivatives synonyms and quasi-synonyms in several languages from the sixteenth century to the twentieth However as the author says 'One cannot separate the history of the word and its meaning from that of the concept and the designation for it and both in turn are intimately connected with the history of bibliography itself ' The English subtitle is the ?rst of many mistranslations it should be 'An enquiry into the history of words and ideas' It accordingly throws light on the use ofbooks and on what was done to help readers to use them over a very long period After the invention of printing the greater bulk of reading matter and its wider distribution emphasized the need for help in ?nding what was wanted and bibliographies became increasingly common at ?rst mainly in Latin For long however they were not so described but by the Latin words catalogus elenchus index nomenclator or bibliotheca the last was the title used in by the great Conrad Gesner and perhaps by the force of his example it became the commonest and in the second half of the seventeenth century the standard term One name for partly bibliographical works was literary history and its equivalents in Latin French and German Although it is now used for the history of belles lettres it earlier had the main or sole emphasis on informative literature and so on information and all the organizations concerned with it The phrase was Journal ofDocumentation Vol No December pp - CDecember BIBLIOGRAPHY AND DOCUMENTATION perhaps ?rst used by Bacon in for a branch of study desiderated but then scarcely existing he saw its chief value in the light it could throw on 'the use and administration of learning' ??which has a very twentieth-century ring It was taken up by many
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- Publié le Aoû 03, 2022
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