Zpq guide Last update Basil Time Added a note for Room Just a few notes - You cannot lead the PQ more than times each day You CAN switch around leade rs to do the PQ more however - Zakum can only be summoned at channel Why Most people say the GM's can h a

Last update Basil Time Added a note for Room Just a few notes - You cannot lead the PQ more than times each day You CAN switch around leade rs to do the PQ more however - Zakum can only be summoned at channel Why Most people say the GM's can h ave more control over one Zakum channel other than - Movement skills and equips don't work in Stages and Darn it xD - You can only go to the Zakum Altar times a day Table of Contents On a second note the Table of Contents might not work properly under Apple's br owser Safari as demonstrated on my Macbook Take caution On a THIRD note since I am resubmitting this the links might not work until I can edit this after it has been submitted Requirements Recommended Stage Stage Stage Fighting Zakum Credits Requirements Lvl and over - If you don't have much HP you will need a spearman with maxed HB to provide y ou with enough HP to get through the monsters in Dead Mine - Have gotten permission from your rd job instructor talk to the NPC according to your class in El Nath Some other guides say that you need at least people but that is entirely not true I have attempted a few solos and getting pretty close with around docu ments and all keys It is possible to solo but very hard to do assuming you try to get all documents and keys Back to top Recommended At least people - Bring a good amount of HP and MP pots - maybe around or so each - Lvl parties should consist of a Spearman and a Cleric The last slot can be opened to anyone else - High leveled parties can consist of any class - If you have a Dead Mine scroll use it It will save you a LOT of pots since y ou will have to get past Werewolves White Pangs and Lycanthropes to get to the Dead Mine Otherwise be ready to try to avoid those monsters and a few more including Cerebes and Bains Bains do around k touch damage so if you're a t hief or bowman get your spearman to cast HB - Even better I usually walk in the lava instead of through Bains since every or seconds you take around damage in there After a few good minutes of good ol' pot burning you should arrive at the Door of Zakum Talk to Adobis the NPC that should be there and initiate stage of the ZPQ You have to do the stages in order and after completing all of them y Cou can ?nally ?ght Zakum which is obviously not recommended if you're below l evel Back to top Stage Your objective is to ?nd documents and keys in a minute time limit in many di ?erent rooms It is BEST that you plan out a strategy before starting the PQ To get

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  • Publié le Oct 10, 2022
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  • Taille du fichier 37.9kB