Worldwide equipment guide OPFOR WORLDWIDE EQUIPMENT GUIDE TRADOC DCSINT Threat Support Directorate DISTRIBUTION RESTRICTION Approved for public release distribution unlimited CWorldwide Equipment Guide Introduction This Worldwide Equipment Guide WEG serve

OPFOR WORLDWIDE EQUIPMENT GUIDE TRADOC DCSINT Threat Support Directorate DISTRIBUTION RESTRICTION Approved for public release distribution unlimited CWorldwide Equipment Guide Introduction This Worldwide Equipment Guide WEG serves as an interim guide for use in training simulations and modeling until the publication of FM - Capabilities-Based Opposing Force Worldwide Equipment Guide The WEG is designed for use with the FM - series of capabilities-based opposing force ?eld manuals It provides the basic characteristics of selected equipment and weapons systems readily available to the capabilities-based OPFOR and generally listed in either FM - Armor- and Mechanized-Based Opposing Force Organization Guide or FM - Infantry-Based Opposing Force Organization Guide Selected weapons systems and equipment are included in the categories of infantry weapons infantry vehicles reconnais-sance vehicles tanks assault vehicles antitank artillery air defense engineer and logistic systems and rotary-wing aircraft The pages in this WEG are designed for insertion into loose-leaf notebooks Since this guide does not include all possible OPFOR systems identi ?ed in the OPFOR ?eld manuals equipment sheets covering additional systems not contained in this initial issue will be published periodically Systems selected will be keyed directly to the baseline equipment contained in the - series and substitute systems found in the appropriate substitution matrix The WEG is scheduled for eventual publication on the worldwide web for use by authorized government organizations WORLDWIDE OPFOR EQUIPMENT Due to the proliferation of weapons through sales and resale wartime capture and licensed or unlicensed production of major end items distinctions between equipment as friendly or OPFOR have blurred Sales of upgrade equipment and kits for application to weapon systems have further blurred distinctions between old or obsolete systems and modern systems This WEG describes base models listed in the FMs or upgrades of those base models which re ect current capabilities Many less common variants and upgrades are also addressed HOW TO USE THIS GUIDE The WEG is organized by categories of equipment in chapters The format of the equipment pages is basically a listing of parametric data This permits updating on a standardized basis as data becomes available For meanings of acronyms and terms see the Glossary Please note that although most terms are the same as U S terminology some re ect non-U S concepts and are not comparable or measurable against U S standards For example if an OPFOR armor penetration ?gure does not say RHA rolled homogeneous armor do not assume that is the standard for the ?gure Please consult the Glossary often If questions remain contact this o ?ce iii CWorldwide Equipment Guide System names refer back to the ?eld manuals However they also re ect intelligence community changes in naming methods Alternative Designations include the manufacturer ? s name as well as U S NATO designators Note also that the WEG focuses on the complete weapon system e g AT- antitank guided missile launcher or P ATGM launcher vehicle versus a component or munition P launcher assembly or AT- ATGM Common and consistent technical notes and parameters

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