New study guide Name Block Twelve Angry Men Study Guide Act One Questions What are the judge ? s instructions to the jurors Which juror is particularly anxious to reach a quick decision Why Before the ?rst vote is taken what do you learn about A The crime

Name Block Twelve Angry Men Study Guide Act One Questions What are the judge ? s instructions to the jurors Which juror is particularly anxious to reach a quick decision Why Before the ?rst vote is taken what do you learn about A The crime ?? B The defendant ?? What ? s the result of the ?rst vote Who votes Not Guilty How do the jurors react to EIGHT ? s statements In order to convince EIGHT of the defendant ? s guilt the jurors decide to discuss the facts of the case How does TWO interpret the facts How does EIGHT answer TWO ? s interpretation What is the testimony cited by THREE How do the FOREMAN and FOUR support THREE ? s statement What is the testimony cited by TEN What is the testimony cited by SIX How does EIGHT counter their statements What comments do SEVEN THREE and FOUR make about the defendant Why does FIVE react as he does How does EIGHT describe his reaction to the trial C How does THREE react to EIGHT ? s comments Why is the switch- knife an important exhibit in evidence What was the defendant ? s testimony about the switch-knife How do FOUR and EIGHT di ?er in their interpretation of this testimony What is the dramatic climax in Act I has an exact replica of the murder weapon How do the jurors react to this incident Shocked and appalled What does EIGHT prove by his action Knife is not unique reasonable doubt What does this incident reveal about EIGHT ? s motives Takes being a juror seriously What proposition does EIGHT make to his fellow jurors Take a second vote juror abstains if everyone votes not guilty then he ? ll change his vote and everything will be over How do you think FOUR THREE Five NINE and TEN will vote on the second ballot not guilty How does the result of the second vote create a con ict between juror THREE and jurors FIVE ELEVEN and NINE People are starting to disagree with ?? he takes this personally What evidence does EIGHT o ?er to discount the old man ? s testimony The el train too loud to hear the threat What is the connection between the el train ? s noise and the old man ? s testimony Noise level threat Reread the comments NINE makes about the old man Are NINE ? s comments based on fact or do they re ect his personal feelings Explain is getting personal here ?? he understands that the old man giving the testimony is trying to feel useful and apart of something that being old means the end of having a purpose What is the signi ?cance about TEN ? s comments that the defendant ? s ??don ? t even speak good English ? irony is from American and should have better grammar than the immigrant ?? makes him seem ignorant How does this comment

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