michelin stars for tokyo 1

PRESS RELEASE th November MICHELIN Guide Tokyo Yokohama Shonan Selection List ??This list should not be posted as a complete list ??The list is in alphabetical order Establishment Total Tokyo Yokohama Shonan Restaurant o Exceptional cuisine worth a special journey n Excellent cuisine worth a detour Among which is new entry in the Guide Among which is promotion fromm to n m A very good restaurant in its category Among which is new entry in the Guide Menu for less than yen Among which is new entry in the Guide Ryokan n Excellent cuisine worth a detour m A very good restaurant in its category Among which is promoted restaurant This is counted as new one star but not shown as Hotel CMICHELIN Guide Tokyo Yokohama Shonan Selection List ??This list should not be posted as a complete list ??The list is in alphabetical order new entry in the Guide promoted restaurant menu for yen and less TOKYO mmm Exceptional cuisine worth a special journey One always eats here extremely well sometimes superbly Distinctive dishes are precisely executed using superlative ingredients Azabu Yukimura ó Japanese Esaki ó Japanese contemporary Ginza Koju ô Japanese Ishikawa ó Japanese Jo? l Robuchon ? French Contemporary Kanda ó Japanese Quintessence ô French Contemporary Ryugin ô Japanese contemporary chome Kyoboshi ò Tempura Sukiyabashi Jiro Honten ò Sushi Sushi Mizutani ò Sushi Sushi Saito ò Sushi Sushi Yoshitake ò Sushi Usukifugu Yamadaya ô Fugu mm Excellent cuisine worth a detour Skillfully and carefully crafted dishes of outstanding quality Ajiman ò Crescent ? Cuisine s Michel Troisgros ? Daigo ? Den ó Édition Koji Shimomura ô Esquisse ô Fugu French French Contemporary Shojin Japanese contemporary French Contemporary French Contemporary CFukudaya ? Japanese Fukuju ó Japanese Ginza Okamoto ò Japanese Ginza Okuda ô Japanese Ginza Toyoda ó Japanese Hamadaya ? Japanese Hatsunezushi ó Sushi Hifumian ó Japanese Hishinuma ó Japanese Horikane ò Japanese Ichirin ó Japanese Jushu ò Japanese Kadowaki ò Japanese Kikuchi ò Japanese Kikunoi ? Japanese KM ó French Kogetsu ò Japanese Kohaku ó Japanese contemporary Komuro ò Japanese Kondo ó Tempura La Table de Jo? l Robuchon ô French Contemporary L'Atelier de Jo? l Robuchon ó French Contemporary Le Mange-Tout ó French Makimura ó Japanese Moranbong ô Korean Nadaman Honten Sazanka-so ? Japanese Narisawa ô Innovative Pierre Gagnaire ? French Contemporary Raku-tei ò Tempura Ren ò Japanese Ryuzu ô French Sawada ò Sushi Seisoka ô Japanese Seizan ó Japanese Sekiho-tei ó Japanese Shigeyoshi ò Japanese CShinbashi Sasada Sukiyabashi Jiro Roppongi Sushi Kimura Taku Tateru Yoshino Shiba Tsujitome Tsukiji Yamamoto Umi Waketokuyama Xiao Xiong Fan Dian ó ò ò ó ô ô ô ò ó ó Japanese Sushi Sushi Sushi French Japanese Fugu Sushi Japanese Chinese m A very good restaurant in its category A place o ?ering cuisine prepared to a consistently high standard Abasque ò Aimée Vibert ? Akasaka Tan-tei ó Akimoto ò Amour ô Antica Trattoria Nostalgica ò Ànu Retrouvez-vous ó Aragawa ô Argento Aso ? Aroma-Fresca ô Asagi ò Au Goût du

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  • Publié le Jan 31, 2021
  • Catégorie Business / Finance
  • Langue French
  • Taille du fichier 70.6kB