Openmrs guide OPENMRS Published - - License None CINTRODUCTION OPENMRS AROUND THE WORLD A BRIEF HISTORY EXAMPLE AMANI CLINIC C OPENMRS AROUND THE WORLD OpenMRS clinical and research locations as of OpenMRS is an electronic medical record system EMR design
OPENMRS Published - - License None CINTRODUCTION OPENMRS AROUND THE WORLD A BRIEF HISTORY EXAMPLE AMANI CLINIC C OPENMRS AROUND THE WORLD OpenMRS clinical and research locations as of OpenMRS is an electronic medical record system EMR designed for use in the developing world and ?rst established in T oday the system has evolved into a medical informatics platform used on every continent supporting health care delivery and research in an extremely wide variety of contexts Our world continues to be ravaged by pandemics of epic proportions as untold millions of people are infected with diseases such as HIV AIDS multi-drug resistant tuberculosis malaria and many others Many of these infections occur in developing countries where lack of education and resources contribute to scores of preventable deaths Prevention and treatment interventions on this scale require e ?cient information management which is particularly critical as clinical care must increasingly be entrusted to less skilled providers Whether for lack of time lack of money or no access to software developers most health care programs in developing countries manage their information with simple spreadsheets or small poorly designed databases--if they have any electronic infrastructure at all Most health care records in the developing world are still maintained on paper As a response to these challenges in developing countries OpenMRS was created as a medical record platform--a rising tide which we hope will lift all ships It is designed to o ?er a better tool for information management but also to reduce unnecessary duplicate e ?orts In the years since its inception the OpenMRS community has grown from a handful of organizations to a massive collaborative e ?ort by both groups and individuals all focused on creating medical record systems and a corresponding implementation network that allows self-reliance in system development even in resource-constrained environments Since its beginning OpenMRS has been based on the principles of openness and of sharing ideas software and strategies for deployment and use T he system is designed to be usable in very resource-poor environments and can be modi ?ed with the addition of new data items forms and reports without the need to write complicated application code It is intended as a platform that organizations can adopt and modify avoiding the need to develop a system from scratch And indeed organizations around the world are doing just that OpenMRS is now in use in clinics in Argentina Botswana Cambodia Congo Ethiopia Gabon Ghana Haiti Honduras India Indonesia Kenya Lesotho Malawi Malaysia Mali Mozambique Nepal Nicaragua Nigeria Pakistan Peru Philippines Rwanda Senegal South Africa Sri Lanka T anzania T he Gambia Uganda United States Zanzibar Zimbabwe and many other places T his work is supported by many individuals and organizations including international and government aid groups NGOs and for-pro ?t and non- pro ?t corporations COpenMRS is not only in use in many di ?erent places but it is also being used to meet many di ?erent needs In Kenya it is used to support health care delivery for
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Gratuit pour un usage personnel Aucune attribution requise- Détails
- Publié le Jui 28, 2021
- Catégorie Health / Santé
- Langue French
- Taille du fichier 258.5kB