Artemis user guide User Guide Version C ? Opal-RT Technologies Inc All rights reserved for all countries Information in this document is subject to change without notice and does not represent a commitment on the part of OPAL-RT TECHNOLOGIES The software

User Guide Version C ? Opal-RT Technologies Inc All rights reserved for all countries Information in this document is subject to change without notice and does not represent a commitment on the part of OPAL-RT TECHNOLOGIES The software and associated ?les described in this document are furnished under a license agreement and can only be used or copied in accordance with the terms of the agreement No part of this document may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means electronic or mechanical including photocopying recording or information and retrieval systems for any purpose other than the purchaser's personal use without express written permission of OPAL-RT TECHNOLOGIES Incorporated Documents and information relating to or associated with OPAL-RT products business or activities including but not limited to ?nancial information data or statements trade secrets product research and development existing and future product designs and performance speci ?cations marketing plans or techniques client lists computer programs processes and know-how that have been clearly identi ?ed and properly marked by OPAL-RT as ??proprietary information ? trade secrets or company con ?dential information The information must have been developed by OPAL-RT and is not made available to the public without the express consent of OPAL-RT or its legal counsel ARTEMiS RT-EVENTS RT-LAB and DINAMO are trademarks of OPAL-RT TECHNOLOGIES Inc MATLAB Simulink Real- Time Workshop and SimPowerSystem are trademarks of The Mathworks Inc LabVIEW is a trademark of National Instruments Inc QNX is a trademark of QNX Software Systems Ltd All other brand and product names are trademarks or service marks of their respective holders and are hereby acknowledged We have done our best to ensure that the material found in this publication is both useful and accurate However please be aware that errors may exist in this publication and that neither the authors nor OPAL- RT TECHNOLOGIES make any guarantees concerning the accuracy of the information found here or in the use to which it may be put Reference Number RT-LAB User ? s Guide Published in Canada Contact Us For additional information you may contact the Customer Support team at OPAL- RT at the following coordinates Tool-Free US and Canada Phone Fax E-mail Mail Web - - - - EST - - - - - - support opal-rt com info opal-rt com sales opal-rt com Richardson Street Suite Montreal Quebec H K G www opal-rt com COPAL-RT Technologies Inc TABLE of CONTENTS CHAPTER INTRODUCTION What to Expect from this Guide About ARTEMiS Intended Audience and Required Skills and Knowledge Organization of Guide Conventions CHAPTER QUICK START Getting Started O ?-line simulation Getting Started RT-LAB real-time simulation CHAPTER USING ARTEMIS Six Pulse Converter -Thyristor Frequency Converter Medium Power Network ARTEMiS modeling of transformer saturation CHAPTER STATE-SPACE SPACE SSN SOLVER BASICS Introduction The ssnSSN lib mdl library Usage of the SSN Nodal Interface Block in a model st Real-life case -pulse HVDC system nd case -level NCP inverter and SSN Real-Time Impulse Events rd case Inlined Thyristor Valve Compensation in SSN

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