Bibliography 2023 03 28T044400 795

Bibliography Blyth Mark International political economy as a global conversation Intriduction Klingemann Hans-Dieter ed State of Political Science in the Western Europe Barbara Budrich Underhill R D Geofrrey State market and global political economy International A ?airs ?? Kucukasoy Ismail Adam Smith ? s conceptual contributions to international economics Based on Welth of Nations Business and Economic Horiznos Vol Issue january Hout Will Meijernik Frits Structures in the International Political Economy World System Theory and Unequal Development European Journal of International Relations Shields Stuart et al Introduction ? ? Critical ? and ? ? International Political economy ? ? Mac Inl November Cohen J Benjamin The transatlantic divide Why are American and British IPE so di ?erent Review of International Political Economy May http www britannica com EBchecked topic economics http www sparknotes com testprep books sat history chapter section rhtml http www ?fthinternational org content marxist-theory-political-economy http thepoliticalp wordpress com how-realism-liberalism-and- marxism-relate-tothe-international-political-economy http www people vcu edu wnewmann IPETheory htm ttp www econlib org library Ricardo ricP a html http eh net bookreviews john-maynard-keynes- and-international-relations-economic-pathsto-war-and-peace http www skeptically org wto id html Gilbet Robert The Nature of Political Economy http foothillpoliticalscience info POLI Week The Nature of the Political Economy - pg - pdf http global oup com uk orc politics irtheory dunne e student guide ch C

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