Bms2062 unit guide Unit Guide BMS Introduction to bioinformatics Semester Handbook link http www monash edu au pubs handbooks units index- byfaculty-med html Table of contents BMS Introduction to bioinformatics - Semester - CTable of contents Unit handboo
Unit Guide BMS Introduction to bioinformatics Semester Handbook link http www monash edu au pubs handbooks units index- byfaculty-med html Table of contents BMS Introduction to bioinformatics - Semester - CTable of contents Unit handbook information Synopsis Mode of delivery Workload requirements Contact Hours Unit relationships Prerequisites Prohibitions Co-requisites Chief Examiner s Unit coordinator s Lecturer s Academic overview Learning outcomes Teaching approach Assessment summary Assessment requirements Participation Assessment tasks Referencing requirements Assignment submission Returning assignments Resubmission of assignments Extensions and penalties Examination material or equipment Feedback to you Unit Schedule Your feedback to us Previous student evaluations of this unit Learning resources Required resources Technological requirements Other information Policies Academic Integrity BMS Introduction to bioinformatics - Semester - CClinical Fieldwork Placement Procedures and Behaviour Guidelines Honours and Minor Thesis Guidelines Immunisation and Infection Risk Police Checks Working with Children Check Guidelines Graduate Attributes Policy Student Charter Student Services Monash University Library Disability Support Services Other unit information PRACTICAL SYNOPSES Instructions for Practicals General Information on Practicals Computer account access printing and data storage BMS Introduction to bioinformatics - Semester - CUnit handbook information Synopsis Bioinformatics unites the major advances in biology biochemistry and the biomedical sciences with those in computing bioinformatics and networking The unit covers the application of the internet to biomedical sciences organisation and uses of scienti ?c databases use of computational methods in genomics and proteomics fundamentals of molecular modelling analysis and presentation of biomedical data and communication of biomedical data using information technology Mode of delivery Clayton Day Workload requirements Lectures per week three hour practical session per week Contact Hours hrs per week Unit relationships Prerequisites None Prohibitions MOL Co-requisites Must be enrolled in one of the following Bachelor of Biomedical Science including double degree programs Bachelor of Biomedical Science Scholar Program Bachelor of Biomedical Science Advanced with Honours BMS Introduction to bioinformatics - Semester - C Bachelor of Biomedical Science Advanced with Honours Chief Examiner s BMS Introduction to bioinformatics - Semester - CChief Examiner s Associate Professor Anna Roujeinikova Unit coordinator s Associate Professor Anna Roujeinikova Dr Terry Kwok CONTACT DETAILS Assoc Prof Anna Roujeinikova Unit Coordinator Phone Email anna roujeinikova monash edu O ?ce hours please email call to arrange an appointment Dr Terry Kwok-Schuelein Small Groups Coordinator and Deputy Convenor Phone Email terry kwok monash edu O ?ce hours please email call to arrange an appointment Lecturer s Name Professor Phillip Bird Campus Clayton Building Room Phone Email Phil Bird monash edu Name Dr Dieter Bulach Campus Building Room Phone Email Dieter Bulach monash edu BMS Introduction to bioinformatics - Semester - CName Dr Terry Kwok-Schuelein Campus Clayton Building Room Phone Email Terry Kwok monash edu Name Associate Professor Martin Stone Campus Clayton Building Room Phone Email Martin Stone monash edu Name Professor Matthew Wilce Campus Clayton Building Room Phone Email Matthew Wilce monash edu Name Dr Michelle Dunstone Campus Clayton Building Room Phone Email Michelle Dunstone monash edu Name Assoc Professor Anna Roujeinikova Campus Clayton Building Room Phone Email
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- Publié le Jui 24, 2022
- Catégorie Science & technolo...
- Langue French
- Taille du fichier 117.4kB