Epass2003 user guide ePass User Guide V Feitian Technologies Co Ltd Website www FTsafe com CRevision History Date June Revision V Description Release of the ?rst version ePass User Guide Copyright ? Feitian Technologies Co Ltd Website www FTsafe com i CeP

ePass User Guide V Feitian Technologies Co Ltd Website www FTsafe com CRevision History Date June Revision V Description Release of the ?rst version ePass User Guide Copyright ? Feitian Technologies Co Ltd Website www FTsafe com i CePass User Guide Software Developer ? s Agreement All Products of Feitian Technologies Co Ltd Feitian including but not limited to evaluation copies diskettes CD-ROMs hardware and documentation and all future orders are subject to the terms of this Agreement If you do not agree with the terms herein please return the evaluation package to us postage and insurance prepaid within seven days of their receipt and we will reimburse you the cost of the Product less freight and reasonable handling charges Allowable Use ?? You may merge and link the Software with other programs for the sole purpose of protecting those programs in accordance with the usage described in the Developer ? s Guide You may make archival copies of the Software Prohibited Use ?? The Software or hardware or any other part of the Product may not be copied reengineered disassembled decompiled revised enhanced or otherwise modi ?ed except as speci ?cally allowed in item You may not reverse engineer the Software or any part of the product or attempt to discover the Software ? s source code You may not use the magnetic or optical media included with the Product for the purposes of transferring or storing data that was not either an original part of the Product or a Feitian provided enhancement or upgrade to the Product Warranty ?? Feitian warrants that the hardware and Software storage media are substantially free from signi ?cant defects of workmanship or materials for a time period of twelve months from the date of delivery of the Product to you Breach of Warranty ?? In the event of breach of this warranty Feitian ? s sole obligation is to replace or repair at the discretion of Feitian any Product free of charge Any replaced Product becomes the property of Feitian Warranty claims must be made in writing to Feitian during the warranty period and within fourteen days after the observation of the defect All warranty claims must be accompanied by evidence of the defect that is deemed satisfactory by Feitian Any Products that you return to Feitian or a Feitian authorized distributor must be sent with freight and insurance prepaid EXCEPT AS STATED ABOVE THERE IS NO OTHER WARRANTY OR REPRESENTATION OF THE PRODUCT EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE Limitation of Feitian ? s Liability ?? Feitian ? s entire liability to you or any other party for any cause whatsoever whether in contract or in tort including negligence shall not exceed the price you paid for the unit of the Product that caused the damages or are the subject of or indirectly related to the cause of action In no event shall Feitian be liable for any

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