Physical science teacher guide

PHYSICAL SCIENCES SCHOOL-BASED ASSESSMENT EXEMPLARS ?? CAPS GRADE TEACHER GUIDE PHYSICAL SCIENCES SCHOOL-BASED ASSESSMENT EXEMPLARS ?? i CAPS GRADE TEACHER GUIDE PHYSICAL SCIENCES SCHOOL-BASED ASSESSMENT EXEMPLARS FOR PRACTICAL WORK ?? ALLIGNED TO CAPS GRADE TEACHER GUIDE PHYSICAL SCIENCES SCHOOL-BASED ASSESSMENT EXEMPLARS ?? CAPS GRADE TEACHER GUIDE CONTENTS Introduction Objectives Assessment Tasks for Grade Practical Work Quality Assurance Process Exemplars of Practical Work as Formal Assessment Tasks Term Preparation of esters and smell identi ?cation Term Conservation of linear momentum Term Electricity and magnetism Part Determine the internal resistance of a battery Part Set up a series-parallel network with known resistor Determine the equivalent resistance using an ammeter and a voltmeter and compare with the theoretical value Memorandum Esters and smell identi ?cation Conservation of linear momentum Electricity and magnetism Part Internal resistance of a battery Part Equivalent resistance of a series-parallel network PHYSICAL SCIENCES SCHOOL-BASED ASSESSMENT EXEMPLARS ?? CAPS GRADE TEACHER GUIDE PRACTICAL WORK AS FORMAL ASSESSMENT TASKS Introduction Assessment is a continuous planned process of identifying gathering and interpreting information about the performance of learners using various forms of assessment It involves four steps generating and collecting evidence of achievement evaluating this evidence recording the ?ndings and using this information to understand and assist in the learner ? s development to improve the process of learning and teaching Assessment should be both informal assessment for learning and formal assessment of learning In both cases regular feedback should be provided to learners to enhance the learning experience School-based assessment SBA is a purposeful collection of learners ? work that tells the story of learner ? s e ?orts progress or achievement in given area s The quality of SBA tasks is integral to learners ? preparation for the ?nal examinations The SBA component is compulsory for all learners Learners who cannot comply with the requirements speci ?ed according to the policy may not be eligible to enter for the subject in the ?nal examination Educators are expected to ensure that assessment tasks are relevant and suitable for the learners Teachers should adapt the tasks to suit the learners ? level of understanding Tasks should be context bound However they should also take cognisance of the requirements as set out in the Curriculum and Assessment Policy Statement CAPS The CAPS document contains tasks that meet the demands of the Grade Physical Sciences curriculum It is expected that these tasks will serve as a valuable resource to ? Physical Sciences teachers in providing examples of the types and standards of school-based assessment tasks that would be appropriate for their learners ? Grade Physical Science learners in providing material that will assist them in preparation for the National Senior Certi ?cate examinations The aims and objectives of school-based assessment ? School-based assessment provides a more balanced and trustworthy assessment system increasing the range and diversity of assessment tasks ? The exemplar tasks are aimed at re ecting the depth of the curriculum content appropriate for Grade ? They re ect the desired cognitive

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