Aion rifting guide KozenGuide AION ONLINE MASTERY GUIDE Aion Online Mastery Guide Rifting Guide Copyright ? KozenGuide All Rights Reserved You may not resell or copy this guide in any way shape or form CKozenGuide AION ONLINE MASTERY GUIDE Aion Rift is th

KozenGuide AION ONLINE MASTERY GUIDE Aion Online Mastery Guide Rifting Guide Copyright ? KozenGuide All Rights Reserved You may not resell or copy this guide in any way shape or form CKozenGuide AION ONLINE MASTERY GUIDE Aion Rift is the port between Elyos and Asmodians the Rift randomly appears in the maps Level Through the Rift Elyos or Asmodians can enter in the land of opposite faction it's the only way to pvp except Abyss of course you can only use it to collect materials do quests or go to common instances Some rules about the Rift Appear randomly but in a certain area The number of Rifts that appear in the same time is Time Limit Number of Players Limit and Level Limit The Rift has entrance and exit but it's a unidirectional path There is a system announcement for all players in the map when a Rift appears There are Rift Points in a map for aggression changeless and for defence kinda variable Copyright ? KozenGuide All Rights Reserved You may not resell or copy this guide in any way shape or form CKozenGuide AION ONLINE MASTERY GUIDE Elyos Faction Rift Points Distribution Rift Entrance - Eltnen Lv Rift Exit - Morheim Lv Point A B C D E F G Number Lmit Level Limit Time Limit h mins of Real Life Time h mins of Real Life Time h mins of Real Life Time h mins of Real Life Time h mins of Real Life Time h mins of Real Life Time h mins of Real Life Time Rift Entrance - Interdiktah Lv Rift Exit - Beluslan Lv Copyright ? KozenGuide All Rights Reserved You may not resell or copy this guide in any way shape or form CKozenGuide AION ONLINE MASTERY GUIDE A B C D E F G h mins of Real Life Time h mins of Real Life Time h mins of Real Life Time h mins of Real Life Time h mins of Real Life Time h mins of Real Life Time h mins of Real Life Time Asmodians Faction Rift Points Distribution Rift Entrance - Morheim Lv Rift Exit - Eltnen Lv Point A B C D E F G Number Lmit Level Limit Time Limit h mins of Real Life Time h mins of Real Life Time h mins of Real Life Time h mins of Real Life Time h mins of Real Life Time h mins of Real Life Time h mins of Real Life Time Copyright ? KozenGuide All Rights Reserved You may not resell or copy this guide in any way shape or form CKozenGuide AION ONLINE MASTERY GUIDE Rift Entrance - Beluslan Lv Rift Exit - Interdiktah Lv Point A B C D E F G Number Lmit Level Limit Time Limit h mins of Real Life Time h mins of Real Life Time h mins of Real Life Time h mins of Real Life Time h mins of Real Life Time h mins of Real Life

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  • Publié le Mai 14, 2021
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