University of strasbourg WtoGuhifdeeedS ? alcccUtueroinlainmtiesvrnabeetionoratlsuoirtgy ?? CStWhteeralcUsonbmiovueerrgtsoity of Strasbourg also the number one place for foreign students more than Strasbourg ? s -The City sense of hospitality has contribu

WtoGuhifdeeedS ? alcccUtueroinlainmtiesvrnabeetionoratlsuoirtgy ?? CStWhteeralcUsonbmiovueerrgtsoity of Strasbourg also the number one place for foreign students more than Strasbourg ? s -The City sense of hospitality has contributed to enhancing its tourist appeal notably with its famous Christmas market A place like no other a city with a soul History testi ?es to the numerous commercial and cultural exchanges that have endowed Strasbourg with a rich and well-preserved architectural heritage In the ??Great Island ? of Strasbourg was listed by UNESCO as World Heritage for Humanity Strasbourg is a pioneer city in terms of respect for the environment and a very pleasant place to live in The city boasts France ? s largest and most widespread tramway network along with ? km of cycle paths placing it at the forefront of cycling networks in France Alsace SUMMARY The cradle of Europe Strasbourg is one of the world ? s only cities one of France ? s leading scienti ?c centres Welcome to the University of Strasbourg Strasbourg -The City The University of Strasbourg Organization of higher education Admission as a regular student Exchange Program Admissions Strasbourg ? s way of life Life on Campus Culture Sports Improving your French Take it easy Housing Transport Healt Working in France as a foreign student Driving in France Finances Welcoming you to the University Academic programs along with Geneva and New York to host the headquarters of international organizations without being a State capital Seat of the Council of Europe since it also plays host to the European Court of Human Rights and the European Parliament It boasts the headquarters of many other European organizations including Eurocorps the European Pharmacopoeia Arte the Franco-German television channel as well as consulates and embassies Strasbourg is a pioneer in cross- border cooperation and at the heart of the Euro district which promotes Franco- German objectives in the ?eld of transport urban planning education health etc Strasbourg a great place to live With its monumental cathedral featuring carvings as delicate as any piece of lacework Strasbourg is one of Europe ? s most attractive cities Strasbourg a city of many cultures rd largest scienti ?c hub of France Alsace is one of France ? s most dynamic and prosperous regions equipped with state of the art infrastructures and high-speed railway lines Strasbourg ? s central location places it at the crossroads of the European economy along the Rhine axis in a very dense trading zone between Northern and Southern Europe With its universities grandes écoles laboratories and over researchers Alsace is France ? s third largest scienti ?c hub and is ranked st for chemistry public research institutions CNRS INSERM and INRA ?? researchers F rance ? s th most important region for European patent registration competitiveness clusters Alsace Biovalley Véhicule du Futur Fibres Energivie Hydreos Contacts gastronomy and ?rmly rooted traditions is CLa ville de Strasbourg Loin des lieux communs une ville en version originale Dans cette ville au c ?ur des échanges économiques et de la

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