provider guide Smart and Skilled Training provider guide to prices fees and subsidies NSW DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION AND COMMUNITIES WWW TRAINING NSW GOV AU Smart and Skilled Training provider guide to prices fees and subsidies Contents Introduction Setting

Smart and Skilled Training provider guide to prices fees and subsidies NSW DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION AND COMMUNITIES WWW TRAINING NSW GOV AU Smart and Skilled Training provider guide to prices fees and subsidies Contents Introduction Setting prices Base prices Loadings Support for thin markets Student fees and subsidies Standard student fees and subsidies Traineeship fees and subsidies Apprenticeship fees and subsidies Concession fees and subsidies Exemptions Other fees and subsidies Transition student fees and subsidies Continuing students from Price and fee administration Price administration Fee administration NSW DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION AND COMMUNITIES WWW TRAINING NSW GOV AU Introduction This guide to prices fees and subsidies applies to all government subsidised qualifications and part-qualifications covered by the NSW Skills List The price of a qualification is the amount paid to the training provider and reflects the efficient cost to deliver training This price is made up of a government subsidy and a student fee The Smart and Skilled pricing arrangements are informed by the Independent Pricing and Regulatory Tribunal IPART review conducted in and the advice of the independent NSW Skills Board The IPART Final Report can be found at http www ipart nsw gov au The NSW Government ? s response to the IPART Final Report can be found at http www training nsw gov au NSW DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION AND COMMUNITIES WWW TRAINING NSW GOV AU Setting prices Base prices In line with IPART ? s recommendations the base price for a qualification is the efficient cost to deliver training to a ? standard ? student A ? standard ? student lives in a metropolitan area and is not eligible for a disadvantaged price loading The costs associated with training include teaching staff administration utilities course-specific costs and capital costs They cover both variable and fixed costs A set base price has been calculated for each qualification on the NSW Skills List The full schedule of base prices for can be found at www training nsw gov au Base price for recognition of prior learning Recognition of prior learning RPL is the assessment of the skills and knowledge an individual has achieved outside the formal education and training system RPL also includes recognition of current competencies RCC where an individual is reassessed for previous completion of some or all course requirements to ensure that the competence has been maintained The base price for training for units of competency accredited as RPL or RCC will be per cent of the base price for those units Credit transfer Credit transfer is the credit given toward a qualification for a unit of competency previously completed by an individual No payment will be made for credit transfer Part-qualifications Part-qualifications are bundles of units of competency or skill sets that make up a short course that is not a full qualification Three types of part-qualifications are n Pre-vocational ?? provides students with the skills to undertake vocational training n Pre-apprenticeship or pre-traineeship ?? provides potential apprentices and trainees with preliminary skills in a specific

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  • Publié le Dec 19, 2021
  • Catégorie Travel / Voayage
  • Langue French
  • Taille du fichier 36kB