Apocrypha 6 1995 C CSOMMAIRE Guillaume Postel Theodore Bibliander et Ie Protevangilede Jacques Introduction historique edition et traduction fran- aisedu MS Londres British Library Sloane r- r Irena BACKUS L'EvangilesetonlesHebreux sourcede l'Evangilede L

C CSOMMAIRE Guillaume Postel Theodore Bibliander et Ie Protevangilede Jacques Introduction historique edition et traduction fran- aisedu MS Londres British Library Sloane r- r Irena BACKUS L'EvangilesetonlesHebreux sourcede l'Evangilede Luc Christian-Bernard AMPHOUX QueUeetait la langue origineUe du pseudepigrapheconserve encorte sousIe titre de ParalipomenesdeJeremieet enarabe sousIe titre de Captivitedes ?ls d'Israel Ii Babylone Rene-GeorgesCOQUIN Deux homelies de Paquesenanglaisancien RobertFAERBER Apocrypha Culture Medium and Development ofDoctrine SomeFacts in Questof a Terminology MartinMcNAMARA Deux homelies pseudo-chrysostomiennespour la fete mariale du aout BernardOU TlER The Genre of the Acts of Andrew DavidW PAO Verites et contre-verites la vie de Mani setonlesActa Arche- ai Madeleine SCOPELLO Pour une comprehensionde la signi ?cation apocryphe dans Ie continent scripturaire IsabelleULLERN-WEITE The Miracles of Jesus An Ethiopian Apocryphal Gospel WitoldWITAKc WSKI M id rash CAPOCRYPHA Fondee en I CAPOCRYPHA Revue Internationale desLitteratures Apocryphes International Journal of Apocryphal Literatures Secretaire de redaction S C MIMOUNI Comite de redaction P GEOLTRAIN R GOUNELLE E JUNOD J -C PICARD Comite scienti ?que B BOUVIER F BOVON J -D DUBOIS Z IZYDORCZYK S JONES A LE BOULLUEC J -N PERES M STAROWIEYSKI Revue publiee avecIe concoursscienti ?que de l' Association pour l'etude de la litterature apocryphe chretienne A B LA C et de la Societe pour l' etude de la litterature apocryphe chretienne S B LA C CLa Societepour l'etude de la litterature apocryphe chrerienne voulant assurer au Secretaire de redaction de la Revue une pleine liberte scienti ?que declare qu'elle n' acceptepas la responsabilitedesarticles etqu' elle la laisse entierementaux auteurs CBREPOLS C Brepols All rights reserved No part of this publication may be reproduced stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means electronic mechanical recording or otherwise without the prior permission of the publisher Depot legal trimestre D Imprime en Belgique ISSN - ISBN - - - C Irena BACKUS Universitede Geneve GUILLAUME POSTEL THEODORE BIBLIANDER ET LE PROTEV ANGILE DE JACQUES INTRODUC ON HISTORIQUE EDITION ET TRADUC ON FRAN AISE DU MS LoNDRES BRITISH LIBRARY SLOANE r- r MS Sloane held by the British Library in London includes among otherPostelliana theautograph ofPostel'sLatin translation ofthe Proteuangelion Jacobi dated as well as the autograph copy of the Greek text copied by Postelin The Greek text on closer inspection turns out to be the textFa consideredby Tischendorf and later by Strycker as completely independent of Postel's Greek prototype The Latin translation in MS Sloanerepresentstheprimitive stageof the translation published later by Bibliander who amended it considerably although not having a Greek textat his disposal It is theLatin translation of which we edit here with Bibliander's amendmentsin theform of variants Modern editors of the Proteuangelion should henceforth work from Postel'sprimitive Latin translation notfrom Biblianders published version Moreover it is obvious that the Greek textFa constitutedoneof the two originals usedby Postelfor his Latin translation His other original which we havecalledprovisionally Pos lat is no longerextant Finally it appears that Postel's discovery of the Proteuangelion as well as its publication by Bibliander constitutean important contribution to thcentury discussionson the Biblical canon

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  • Publié le Aoû 23, 2021
  • Catégorie Business / Finance
  • Langue French
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