Kkt guide KKTPM CALCULATOR A Java Library for Karush Kuhn Tucker Proximity Measure Abstract Since its proposal in KKTPM has generated a lot of interest as a metric of how close a solution is from being an optimum KKTPM Calculator is a Java library intende

KKTPM CALCULATOR A Java Library for Karush Kuhn Tucker Proximity Measure Abstract Since its proposal in KKTPM has generated a lot of interest as a metric of how close a solution is from being an optimum KKTPM Calculator is a Java library intended for practitioners and researcher interested in using KKTPM without going deep into its proof and implementation details Haitham Seada seadahai msu edu Contents Introduction License Installation NetBeans instructions How-To Using Exact Values Using Symbolic Formulations Lagrange Multipliers XML Input Validation Wrapping Up References Introduction In Deb and Abouhawwash proposed Karush Kuhn Tucker Proximity Measure KKTPM A metric that can measure how close a point is from being ??an optimum ? The smaller the metric the closer the point Their metric is applicable to both single objective and multiobjective optimization problems In a single objective problem the metric shows how close a point is from being a ??local optimum ? while in multiobjective problems the metric shows how close a point is from being a ??local Pareto point ? Exact calculations of KKTPM for each point requires solving a whole optimization problem which is extremely time consuming In order to alleviate this problem the authors of the original work again proposed several approximations to the true KKTPM namely Direct KKTPM Projected KKTPM Adjusted KKTPM and Approximate KKTPM Approximate KKTPM is simply the average of the former three and is what we call throughout this tutorial simply ??KKTPM ? All there approximations can be calculated by solving a system of linear equations No optimization is required anymore Moreover Deb and Abouhawwash were able to show that Approximate KKTPM is reliable and can be used in place of the exact one KKTPM Calculator provides an easy interface through which practitioners can make use of the new metric without delving into the intricacies of proofs and calculations KKTPM Calculator can be used to calculate all the four approximations and the set of Lagrange multipliers at a specific point It also supports XML-based input and symbolic mathematical function evaluation among other features License KKTPM Calculator is licensed under the Apache License version Apache License is a permissive free software license written by the Apache Software Foundation ASF A short summary of the license in layman ? s terms can be found at http www apache org foundation license-faq html WhatDoesItMEAN Readers interested in a more detailed in depth explanation may consult the full version of the license at http www apache org licenses LICENSE- html Installation Installing KKTPM Calculator is just like installing any other Java library You need to follow the following steps if you are not using any specific IDE which is highly unlikely Download the library zip file Extract the jar file Add it to your CLASSPATH Enjoy NetBeans instructions If you are using some IDE NetBeans Eclipse etc your life will definitely be easier and you can install KKTPM Calculator with just a few clicks A set of instructions specific to NetBeans user are listed below For other

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  • Publié le Mar 26, 2022
  • Catégorie Travel / Voayage
  • Langue French
  • Taille du fichier 26.6kB