Tipologias de turismo segun la omt 1

https www e-unwto org doi book - Saturday August PM - IP Address UNWTO Tourism Definitions https www e-unwto org doi book - Saturday August PM - IP Address https www e-unwto org doi book - Saturday August PM - IP Address UNWTO Tourism Definitions https www e-unwto org doi book - Saturday August PM - IP Address Table of contents Introduction Introduction Introducción Operational definitions used in the tourism value chain Définitions opérationnelles utilisées dans la cha? ne de valeur du tourisme Definiciones operativas utilizadas en la cadena de valor del turismo Tourism destination Destination touristique Destino turístico Destination management marketing organization DMO Organisme de gestion marketing d ? une destination OGD OMD Organización de gestión marketing de destino OGD OMD Tourism product Produit touristique Producto turístico Tourism value chain Cha? ne de valeur touristique Cadena de valor del turismo Quality of a tourism destination Qualité d ? une destination touristique Calidad de un destino turístico Innovation in tourism Innovation dans le tourisme Innovación turística Competitiveness of a tourism destination Compétitivité d ? une destination touristique Competitividad de un destino turístico Operational definitions on tourism types Définitions opérationnelles des formes de tourisme Definiciones operativas de tipos de turismo Cultural tourism Tourisme culturel Turismo cultural https www e-unwto org doi book - Saturday August PM - IP Address Ecotourism Écotourisme Coastal maritime and inland water Ecoturismo tourism Tourisme côtier maritime et en eaux intérieures Turismo costero Rural tourism Tourisme rural marítimo y de aguas interiores Turismo rural Urban city tourism Tourisme urbain en Adventure tourism Tourisme ville Turismo urbano d ? aventure Turismo de aventura Mountain tourism Tourisme de Health tourism Tourisme de santé Turismo montagne Turismo de monta? a de salud Education tourism Tourisme Wellness tourism Tourisme de éducatif Turismo educativo bien-être Turismo de bienestar Sports tourism Tourisme sportif Turismo deportivo Medical tourism Tourisme médical Turismo médico Business tourism Tourisme d ? affaires Turismo de negocios Gastronomy tourism Tourisme de gastronomie Turismo gastronómico https www e-unwto org doi book - Saturday August PM - IP Address Introduction Since its establishment in as a subsidiary organ of the Executive Council the Committee on Tourism and Competitiveness CTC has focused its work mainly on assessing the state of knowledge on the basic concept of tourism competitiveness and identifying its key factors This process has also included identifying developing and harmonizing concepts models and operational definitions used in the tourism value chain within a hierarchichal structure from general to the specific This should lead to a validation process which will reinforce the normative role of the World Tourism Organization UNWTO while the technical outputs and recommendations can be used by UNWTO members for different purposes such as measuring labelling and or benchmarking As an outcome of the work of the CTC the nd Session of the General Assembly held in Chengdu China ?? September adopted as Recommendations A RES XXII some operational definitions used in the tourism value chain as well as a set of operational definitions on some selected tourism types

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  • Publié le Mai 03, 2021
  • Catégorie Travel / Voayage
  • Langue French
  • Taille du fichier 69.9kB